Volume Two Ch. Four: Up in Flames

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~Third Person~

"Penny, I...I don't understand."

"I don't even think I do...androids but no space age tech!? Come on, Remnant!"

The Pilot yelled into the air as he shook his fist wildly. The sun was beginning to set as evident by the red and orange in the air as the three stood at the same junction. Ruby was still confused yet, the young Pilot understood exactly what Penny meant.

"Penny-bot? Elaborate."

"Ruby...most girls are born...I was made. Im the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an aura...I'm not real..."

"Now hold on just a minute-"

The Pilot stopped his rage directed at nothing as he then placed a hand on Penny's shoulder before Ruby took Penny's hands. Rolling them lightly as she spoke.

"Of course you are. You think just because you got nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any different from me?"

"I wouldn't have worded it like that but...Penny? That night at the dock, you showed genuine worry for Ruby when she got knocked back. Had I not known any better? I'd say you just have robot hands. But ya don't. You're a real caring person...who happens to be a robot."

"I don't... understand...You're taking this EXTRAORDINARILY well!"

"You're not like those things we saw back there. You got a heart! And a soul! I feel it!"

Ruby would poke at Penny's chest as a metallic set of taps was heard as the Pilot simply snickered and patted Penny on the back. He would make a comment that he is used to human shaped robots but, his definition of that is more...complex. Far more complex. Suddenly, in a moment of glee and pure happiness, something a regular robot would not be able to do, Penny cheered. Grasping the both of them, she yanked them into a hug as Ruby's face was pressed against her chest. As for the Pilot? He ended up suspended in the air as his legs came off the ground with a heave and gasp.

"You're the best friends anyone could have! Wait...no. That would be wrong! I can only have one best friend! Ruby? You're my best friend! Pilot? You're my boyfriend!"

"Oh, that's sweet-excuse me!?"

"I could see why your father would want to protect such a delicate little flower!"

Both said in a strained tone, although (Y/N)'s yell was suppressed by the fact his ribcage was bending inward. Setting them down, both would grasp at any air as (Y/N) was red under his helmet.

"Oh! He's very sweet! Father is the one who built me! I know you would just love him!"

"Wow! He built you all by himself?"

"Well, almost! He had some help from Mister Ironwood!"

"Okay! Just glide over boyfrie-! Wait...What?"

Both Ruby and Pilot were taken aback by the fact Ironwood of all people was involved in the making of Penny. A fact that didn't seem to sir right with the Pilot since he saw all the massive firepower Penny was packing. From laser beams that melted steel to butter, and blades that spread the steel butter with ease...all over the battlefield.

"The General...? Wait...Is that why those soldiers were after you?"

"They like to protect me too!"

"There's a difference between 'protect' and 'hide', P-Bot."

"He doesn't think you can protect yourself...?"

The tone would take a more serious tone as the Pilot thought back to everything that has occurred since his arrival. Initiation, Vale...the Docks...He thought to how those fools would need A LOT more than just soldiers if they were to try and beat Titans.

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