*Filler: Lunch Break

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~First Person~

"Shots fired! Shots fi-! Ack! Stop that, you Prick!"

I was currently in a high-speed chase against some guy who robbed a store at gunpoint. And I knew it was the same guy because I had caught him mid-run out the door yet, prick used a disorientation semblance that dazed me. I know what you're asking. "Why are you suddenly a cop?" Well, because the cops were busy! After the Breach at the center of town, a lot of things have been going on so, I decided to volunteer as a Step-In kind of Law Enforcer.

Speaking of which, the fucker I was chasing held a regular old Dust Pistol that began to annoy the hell out of me since I was now actively dodging bullets. Using my jump-kit to wall run along an apartment before kicking off the wall with my Wingman at the ready. This prick would see this and activate that disorientation semblance via stomping his foot hard enough that a shockwave shot outwards. Now since I'm in midair? I was sent backwards with a yelp as I bounced off the ground a bit before skidding onto a hand and knee in a move known as "Super Hero Landing" position. In other words, I could feel the concrete burn my bare fingers as I growled out after coming to a halt. Just then?

"Heya, Pilot! Looks like you need a hand! And tail!"

Sitting on a rooftop up above was none other than my good ape friend, Sun Wukong. Who was characteristically eating a banana before swinging down onto a firescape railing as he simultaneously threw the banana peel into a nearby trash-bin.

"Monke!? I-! Yeah! The Prick has a disorienting semblance, Stompy!"

"Alright then! Let's go!"

Hopping down with a twirl and some meters behind me, Sun burst into a sprint as he held a hand low for me to grab onto. Lifting me up, I also added a burst from my jump-kit so he wasn't pulling my bare weight. Now running side by side, he would give me a large smile as I did the same with a toothy grin. Even better? We saw the prick taking a breather that turned into a yelp as he began to sprint yet again.

"Not this time!"

Activating my STIM Module, I would zoom on ahead as Sun jumped up to grab a branch of a tree. Swinging himself up onto it, he soon sprung off with a small cheer as he leapt from tree to tree. Thinking quickly and remembering an odd..."feature," I hopped up towards a wall beside me yet, midair gave my gauntlet a flick as the Holo-Pilot feature activated. A Holo-Version of myself would appear in front of me yet for some odd reason, and what I intended, the Holo-Version of myself would cling onto the wall and suddenly shoot forward. And I mean shoot forward.

"Woah! What the-!?"

Sun whipped his head down to me midair as I gave him a cheeky grin as I pointed at the guy as if I was about to shoot. In turn, the Holo-Version did the same with nothing in his hand but, Stompy didn't seem to notice as he yelped and hopped into the air. Falling, he stomped his foot into the ground hard enough that both Sun and I got knocked back from the concussive wave. Meanwhile, nearby glass objects like windows shattered as the guy continued to run as I growled out.


Looking at Sun in time for him to send out a shining golden version of himself, I what he wanted me to do as I held my hand out. Once again, this clone would yank me into the air before dissipating as Sun sent one last clone out as I made sure to put my feet underneath me as I was parallel to the ground below. In that instant, his clone would drop-kick right at me and that was enough for me to shoot forward with a large amount of momentum behind it.

Shooting through the air with a loud "woohoo" as I grew closer to Stompy as he turned around in time to witness me twist my body in the air. With my boots pointing right at him, I let out a roar as I shot my legs outwards in time to cause a heavy drop-kick. That bent the poor sod over my legs as I then corrected my position midair as I was now perpendicular to the ground. Keep in mind we were still airborne!

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