Vol. Three Epilogue: Rude Awakening

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Here it is. The official ending for Volume 3. With it? The book will end too. HOWEVER! The series wont. Itll continue in a new book. A sequel book for Volumes 4-6. Now...onto the end...

~First Person...~



Shooting up from wherever I was, I panted heavily as I whipped my head in every direction...I don't know how long I was out for but...that same exact moment...followed by the explosion played nonstop in my head...Athena was...gone...It was just then that I noticed where I was. It was a hospital room with a dual lamp on a telescopic stand pointing at me. The room looked worn yet, clean at the same time. It was then that I looked down at myself to see ai was completely naked minus a hospital gown that I promptly looked down upon to see my chest was heavily bandaged, my arms, leg, head...I took a fucking beating...

However, I noticed my flight-suit and gear nearby minus my helmet and jump-kit yet, I could tell right away that my flight-suit wasn't going to be salvageable...Given all the dark staining it had. It was all my blood...Hell, even my...Gauntlet was far from okay with the fact it had a set of heavy dents and a clear hole through it. Just then, the door opened to reveal a hospital nurse with light blue hair and a worn look to her face given the bags under her eyes. That's when she noticed me and her eyes sprung to life.

"D-Doctor! He's awake-!"

"Step aside!"

The nurse yelped out as a figure pushed right through her in a comedic fashion as I was met face to face with Goodwitch. She was tired just like the nurse but, she was far worse given the fact she had a small IV pouch strapped to her shoulder as a small line lead down to her exposed arm. Seeing me, she gave me a soft smile that was met with me just staring at her. She soon frowned as she approached me...

"Please...try to relax yourself. The amount of damage you sustained alongside the blood you lost...Not to mention...you flat-lined three times...It's...It's a miracle that you survived-"

"Goodwitch...What happened while I was out...?"

I guess...Athena was right...I put her before myself most of the time. Cutting off Goodwitch, she now adorned a more somber and saddened look as she shifted her eyes away from me. It...wasn't good at all...

"If...you must ask...Team RWBY has split alongside many other teams. Miss Rose and Xiao Long were both unconscious when they were back to Patch with their father and Uncle. Miss Schnee, like many other Atlesian, went back home. As for Misss Belladonna? Last I heard, she was seen in the medical tent before disappearing. Vale has controlled the Grimm infestions...minor, though. Vale is-"

I then remembered something. My original mission before Athena and I were engaged by...

"What...about JNPR...?"

This hit Goodwitch the hardest as I saw her frown with her right hand clenching up and her left trying to hide it. Her posture was way to straight which meant...

"Miss Nikos...was killed during the Fall-"

"I...heard enough...I need to get up and going."

"There is...one final thing...Doctors were removing it from your cavity alongside other pieces of shrapnel. They were going to discard of it until I saw what it was. I knew...you would want to keep it..."

She soon took a small rectangular box out from behind. It was just a plain wooden box yet, the moment I opened it? I saw why she wanted to keep it...It was a scrap of Athena's chassis that was probably what I felt and saw upon touch down in Vale...It was her nameplate..."AT-4774." Seeing it...that same moment played back in my head again as I clutched the boxes walls..

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