Chapter Eight: Headache

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-Third Person-

By now, one can tell what the mornings of the young Pilot (L/N) were like. But the bruise he suffered made this morning slower. Still though, he pushed through to ensure he himself got better. For the current moment, he was in his dorm. Continuing to rest up since he had to get back into classes as soon as possible as well as get back into the fight.

-First Person-

Wake up. Jog. Shower. Breakfast. Wake up. Jog. Shower. Breakfast. These were the things I did over the last couple of days since the forest trip and honestly? I was getting sick of it. But as I grew sick of it, I began to feel better too. Starting off with stretches that no longer felt like I was getting punched by a stalker droid.

Right now? I was minding my own business in my dorm room when I got a knock at my door. This has been on repeat a bit since that day. Mainly just the girls, Glynda or Ozpin coming to check on me. And just as you know it, I was right. Replying with a simple whislte, I saw Ruby peak in with her smile.

"Hi! So, my team and I are going to Vale to walk around. Weiss said she wanted to check out the arrivals for the festival. You in?"

Blinking at Ruby, I decided to tease her by thinking rather long about the question at hand. Chuckling out, I got up from my bed with a small wince before putting on my flight suit. Followed by the rest of my armor, I soon stopped at the door as I put my B3 Wingman on my hip.

"Athena! Hold down the fort, will ya?"


Yelping out, I dashed over to the window and patted Athena's cockpit hatch with my hand.

"Down, girl! Down! Not that defensive! It's a saying!"


Sighing out in relief, Ruby laughed a bit as I then walked out into the hallway with her.

-Third Person-

Most of the trip in Vale consisted of first going out to lunch before heading to a walk. Although the walk seem set as Weiss had led the crew towards the Vale Docks. The odor of sea water mixed with fish coming into focus made it really unbearable. However, the display of yellow, green and red party streamers lining the streets along with balloons, made it somewhat bearable.

The young pilot was a bit taken back by all this. Usually where he was from, if someone were coming into the city, it meant keeping an eye on them. Especially during his pilot years.

Out of excitement and amazement, Weiss brought up her hands.

"The Vytal Festival! Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!"

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss. It's kinda weirding me out..."

Ruby said with a frown that came up half way through her sentence.

"Makes us two, then."

(Y/N) said as he looked at Weiss through his helmet. Before Weiss scowled slightly at the two as she continued walking and talking, along with the rest of the group.

"How could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances! Parades! A tournament! Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking!"

"You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring."

"Quiet, you!"

Yang's comment was said with a sigh and a cross of her arms before Weiss whipped her head to her. Righf after, the team and pilot finally stopped near the Vale Docks as the sounds of foghorns of ships signalled their near arrival.

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