Vol. Three Ch. Six: Scorched Earth

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~First Person~

"Cut the camera feed-!"

Port yelled as the screen of a large box TV sitting on a mobile-table sat in front of me...I sat helpless and powerless the entire time I saw Yang fight Mercury as I knew what was to ensue. I even had that Rat Bastard next to me commentating on the entire time to create yet another thing to add to my already jam-packed list.

"Yikes. Talk about bad sportsmanship. Then again, she's both blonde and has anger issues. Ain't that right, Gary?"

"Ee-yup, Pilot Haytham."

I saw bits of food fly past my line of sight and land onto my lap as Gary, some random IMC Grunt, talked with his mouth full. Eating a freshly made sandwich with all fresh ingredients down to the fucking oven-roasted turkey. And I knew all this because I was hungry and my sense of smell was in overdrive to find food. Another thing to the list...

Soon, the screen turned off as Gary finished his fucking sandwich as he then hauled the cart away as Haytham let out something similar to a sigh. Standing in front of me, he would pull out his Data-Knife and lightly hop it in his mechanical hand. I swear to god...

"You know you can stop this. All the pain. Suffering. Hunger. Had you just left Southeast Vale alone and left? I don't think this would be happening."

"...IMC A.D.A.P.T Pilot...Sergeant Major-"

Before I could continue, Haytham twirled the blade so it was pointed downwards as he grabbed my hand. In that instant, he slammed the blade down onto the chair's armrest as I yelled out in agony as I saw my left ring-finger fly off. It wasn't even the entire finger but, that still didn't deter from the fact everything past my proximal inter-phalangeal was gone. My pained yells were suppressed my gritting my teeth as I breathed heavily whilst Haytham cleaned his knife off on a magazine pouch attached to his chassis.

"I'll give you credit where it's due..."

Letting out a whistle, some IMC medics walked into the room and set up station near my hand as I panted. Watching them finish, one of them soon took out something similar to a finger pulse monitor as the other took out a bottle of-YEP! That's military grade disinfectant! Yelling out again, I could feel my whole hand stiffen and shake as the medic cleaned the wound to the best of his abilities. That's when the other one came over with the clamp and put it on. It was heavy and warm-Oh fuck you! I yelled out yet again as I felt the device heat up past any level any human should ever fell. When that was done, he pulled it off to show the wound had been shut with, what was basically, cauterizing the wound. Then soon stood up yet, I noticed out one of them dropped a scalpel from their pouch as they left.

I know for a fact Haytham acknowledged it yet, left it alone for some reason as I was sweating bullets from the extreme pain yet, numbness I was feeling. I watched him pocket his knife before he turned to leave me.

"You can handle anything. You're strong. Just not strong enough...I can't hell but feel a soft spot for you. Like a puppy."

Closing the door yet, leaving only a slither of it open so light would come in, I was still recovering from my semi-gone digit. However...I definitely added that to the list...

I don't know how long passed when I heard some commotion behind the door but, I know for a fact it wasn't Haytham since he would knock at the door as a fucked up way to tell me a demon is entering the room. Not to mention the giant metal footsteps. However...this amateur given how they were whispering as the door slowly creaked open to show two Grunts chuckling grimly...

Grunting out after being punched for the fifth time, the Grunt standing before me would shake his hand with a growl. I simply just spat off to the side whatever blood was in my mouth at the moment as the other Grunt recorded the fiasco with a small camera. Giggling his ass off the entire time as the other would shush at him to shut the fuck up.

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