Chapter 23 : Faded

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Third POV

Elora sat in her car in the parking lot of her apartment building. The news still shocked her, her mind was filled with so many thoughts she could hardly remember to blink her eyes.

With shaking hands, she clutched her flat belly in hopes she'd feel something. She let out a shaky chuckle and looked down at her hand covered belly. "You're going to be something special. You already are to me." she whispered, a few tears slipped down her cheeks. Tears of joy, no amount of sadness could take of the happiness she felt at this moment.

She climbed out of her car, gathered all her bags and headed upto her apartment. Elora had plans to tell Clark the exciting news tonight itself and she could hardly wait.

Once she entered the apartment she set aside the bags and sat at the chair by the large window, overlooking the city. She smiled widely at the pouring weather.

Not once in her life did she ever think this would happen. First she attains love, which she thought would never ever happen especially after she faced so much pain and suffering. Now she's expecting a new child, something she thought was completely impossible. The one thing she longed for, a family of her own. All of her dreams were coming true and for the first time she felt as if everything would be perfect. And for a moment everything was perfect but in her own little bubble.

As Elora went about, decorating her home with rose petals and candles. Things were going different elsewhere.

Clark was surrounded by work activities. As usual things were hectic and Perry's rage upon his workers never faltered. But this was different, Perry got a story that had to be printed immediately. He saw a jackpot in this story and he knew just who to ask to write it.

He approached the red haired journalist with a few photos in his hands. "Lois," he piqued an interest in her as she looked up at him in a flash, "I got a story for you and I need you and Abby to work on it together." he held the pictures up for her before placing it on her desk in front of her.

She gasped seeing the pictures, a scheme was already plotted in her mind. It was brilliant. Before Perry could walk away she stopped him.

"Perry, Abby is already working on a story with Tom out on the field. So, could I possibly work with Clark?" she asked, clutching the photos in her hands. Perry looked at her in suspicion before nodding his head. Her face lit up like Christmas and she immediately stood up.

She spotted Clark by his desk and smiled maliciously. "Hey Clark," Clark groaned and hesitantly turned around, pulling a tight, fake smile at Lois. She ignored his foul attitude towards her and spoke again, "Perry wanted you and I to work together on a story." she announced.

This made Clark frown, Lois always worked with Abby, so why is she suddenly asking him for help?

"Uh... Sure," Clark says with a hint of disbelief, "Just let me finish this up." he said and turned back to his laptop. Lois grabbed a chair and sat next to him. Her smile was making him inwardly cringe.

"I have to say, I haven't been honest with you." she purrs.

Clark keeps his gaze on his laptop and pays her no attention. "Andrew and I broke up." she says, faking a sad look.

Clark frowned at her before turning back to focus on his work. "I just... Realized that I used Andrew to get over mourning. I was just trying to forget you but I couldn't." she said, this time she faked a sob and tried to tear up. Keyword, tried. Clark wasn't buying her act.

"I love you Clark, I always have. I just can't seem to let you go." she said and began to rub the back of his neck.

"Lois, stop. I know what you're doing and it's not working." he snapped, Lois' soft look turned harsh, she glared at him and threw the pictures in front of him.

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