Part Two :Chapter 9

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Elora POV

"It's a girl, I'm positive about this! " Adiya and Amora has been arguing back and forth over the gender of my baby. Aurora was too entranced by how big my bump was to even care about their bickering.

"How the hell would you know? Were you ever pregnant?" Adiya yelled at Amora and she just stayed silent for a while.

"Well... No but... I plan on it." she mumbled.

"Exactly, I know I'm gonna have a little nephew soon." Adiya proudly stated and I shook my head at their childish acts.

"It doesn't matter what gender it is, what matters is that it's healthy and it doesn't kill me. Because this baby sure knows how to press on your bladder." I winced in realization when I felt the need to go to the bathroom. This is the fifth time in the past two hours.

I struggled to get off the bed, I snapped my head up to my idiotic sisters who just stared at me like a fish."Are you all just going to stare at me? Or does someone actually have the guts to help me to the bathroom?"

Aurora jumped up and helped me get off the bed. I made my way to the bathroom, pondering in lonely thoughts.

"When are you gonna come out of me?" I whispered to my belly.

"So who's gonna break the news to her?" I heard Amora ask. News? What news are they talking about?

"You mean, the... Lois thing?" Adiya asked, I could practically hear the fear in her voice and now I'm worried. What did the red haired bitch do now?

"I still don't believe it, I mean how is it even possible."

"She's a desperate bitch, that's how." Aurora snapped, that's it, I want to know what's happening.

Once I was relieving myself, I washed my hands and dried it off. Then I got the idiots by surprise by swinging the door open. I raised an eyebrow at them and pursed my lips,"I know you're all hiding something from me. Now spit it out!" I yelled making them all jump. Aurora whistled before darting out the room. I snapped my head to Adiya and Amora and they looked to the ground in guilt.

"Well am I going to have to count your damn teeth before I get an answer?" I snapped. "What was Lois doing here? What did she want?"

"She came to tell me something." Clark said as he walked into the room, Adiya and Amira snuck out but I was curiously looking at Clark for some answers.

"And what was so important that she came all the way here to tell you something?" I frowned at him and tapped my foot impatiently.

"She's pregnant." he said out straight.

I inhaled a deep breath to push down the anger in me and I'm just gonna handle this in a calm way. "Pregnant? And you believe it's yours... Right?" I asked.

He looked down at the floor with guilt and I scoffed before bursting out with laughter. Clark looked at me in disbelief and I just kept laughing, "So she came here, alone and pregnant. Clark exactly how stupid are you?" I glared at him.

Before he could speak I held up a finger to silence him, "Nope, I'm not done. Clark I barely could stand up straight the first three months of this pregnancy and I have super abilities. Now unless Lois has some kind of ability to carry a super strong alien baby, that kid isn't yours." I folded my arms over my chest and smirked,"You were so quick to believe that was your kid she's carrying. Yet you couldn't believe me or have faith in me before."

"I'm sorry." was all he said, fucking coward.

"Clark I just need space right now. I can't just forgive you so easily. Not after everything you put me through. I'm tired, I feel run down, being pregnant on top of all that just takes the fucking cherry on top and at the moment all I want to do is rest. So please leave." I watched him sigh before he left the room, I shook my head in disbelief. How could he even trust that woman? She's manipulative, she probably just wants to use him again. Why can't he just see that?

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