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" cause it all means nothing, my dear if I can't be holding you near "



                   There's a sinking feeling that only spirals down and down, and when Cassandra takes that step back when I push forward, it all shatters downwards like glass, shards turning into tiny pieces with no way of turning back time to it's perfection.

"I want Sarah," her voice waivers before solidifying into a harden stance, where she set's her demands before spinning on foot and walking away from me.

The shattered pieces lay on the floor and the further she walks away I lose all hope for a chance to make it right.

I let the pain of my own mistakes consume me for the rest of the night, the pull of my mates pain and sadness tearing me from the inside.


When the last tailgate of a car disappears around the corner, I watch the fake smile Cassandra had placed on her face for all our benefits slip and fall into a grimace. My heart pounding as I step towards her when she has already begun to walk away, my tongue feeling heavy in my mouth as I speak up.

"Cassandra, I can explain."

"Now? You want to explain now?" She twirls around fiercely, face coming to meet mine with hurt and such detest that I physically try not to flinch away, "well I have some news for you, Nolan. You don't need to anymore, because instead of hearing it from the one source I should of I got to find out all on my damn own! Who do you take me for Nolan - a fool!?"

No, I want to cry out, no I never thought such a thing. If anything I was the fool in this entire situation. The one person I tried so hard to keep from leaving and here I was letting her- I couldn't. I couldn't let it end like this.

I make my second mistake of the day, I grasp onto her arm in a desperate attempt to stop her.

"I understand you're upset-" I begin.

"Upset! You think I'm upset?" The anger in her eyes become apparent now and the way she yanks her arm from my grasp tears my heart into two, "I am way beyond any emotion imaginable right now. Words cannot describe how I feel right now. Goddess, I'm- I'm furious! I am outraged, I am...I am infuriated."

This time she makes it her mission to walk away. I cannot let it end like this, chants inside my mind. I can't- I can't lose her. Not because of my own stupidity.

I chase after her. An instinct that I will always follow when it comes down to it. Anywhere she leads I will follow. I would follow her to the ends of the earth if she asked me too but for now it leads us in front of the gardens fountain.

In another desperate attempt to make her stop I call out, "I was going to tell you!"

"When?" She twirls to face me. The worlds seem to fail me in retaliation and she has it all wrong- she takes my silence wrongfully because I'm suddenly terrified that I don't know how to fix this. I don't know what to say. "No. I am serious here Nolan. When were you planning on exactly telling me? Or were you just planning to never tell me at all?"

"Cassandra-" I try again. 

"No. No - were you just going to continue to find ways to make me stay, to have me by your side? Were you just hoping that I would never leave? Fall into the shoes without ever knowing, lead a life of a lie?"

"I was waiting on the right time." I step forward, trying to desperately get a grasp on this and get a handle of this situation but it was slipping through my hands like quick sand and no amount of grip was adequate enough.

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