Chapter Nine

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I felt a pang in my heart

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I felt a pang in my heart. In my soul. I knew Liam was in pain when I told him about Charles. He was the first person I had told. Not even Madison knew that I accepted his proposal.

I couldn't explain why Liam telling me we were mates felt so right to me. I knew deep in my heart that it was the truth.

But what did that mean? Did I no longer have free will to decide things for myself anymore? I had a life. A store. A fiancé. A life filled with humans and spent fearing wolves. That wasn't something I was just going to drop for some hot guy that strolled into my store one day. Charles and I had history. And he was a good man.

I cleared my throat, hoping a topic change would lessen the pain I was feeling as an extension of Liam, I was assuming.

"So why does that make me a target?" I asked as I folded my arms across my chest. I could still feel the tingles traveling up my arm from Liam's touch. What the hell was that?

He sighed before raking a large hand through his hair. I tried not to stare for longer than was acceptable. "It's threatening that we're the first mates in centuries, Maeve. I'm sure people are wondering what this means for wolves." He paused, "For us all."

"Why does it have to mean anything?" I inquired curiously, "It's probably just a fluke, no?" Even as the words fumbled out of my mouth, I knew they were meaningless. This did mean something. But I wasn't ready to accept whatever that entailed.

He gave a dark chuckle, "Things like this aren't flukes. They change the course of your life, Maeve."

I stopped talking and looked around awkwardly. Just then, the bell to my door chimed and Elijah walked in behind Mrs. Myers with two bags. "I just don't get why you need every parakeet object known to exist?" He complained as he lugged the bags in.

"I know your grandfather, Elijah. I'm not afraid to tell him that you sassed me," Mrs. Myers warned.

Elijah muttered to himself, "Fine."

"What did you two decide on?" Mrs. Myers spoke up, eyeing Liam and I with interest.

Liam avoided my gaze for a long moment, taking in the books around him instead. "Maybe if I stay away, wolves will realize that Maeve isn't a threat," he concluded.

Mrs. Myers paused, looking at me first before turning to Liam, "And the bond?"

"Maeve is engaged," Liam stated in monotone. I could hear the pain I inflicted. Feel the pain I inflicted. I flinched from his words as though they cut me.

Mrs. Myers placed her hand lightly on my arm, "Whatever's meant to happen will happen." She turned to Liam and continued, "The bond is no accident. It's a carefully crafted wisdom that's granted now more than ever as a privilege to you both. I'd advise you to treat it as such."

The rustling of the bags that Elijah was holding snapped us out of the intense conversation. "I'm sorry, are you two suggesting we just leave Maeve alone?" He asked incredulously.

I felt my heart melt a little at his generous nature. Liam shook his head, "I can't." He turned to me and his eyes softened, "But I'll respect your wishes and stay away."

"What does that mean for us?" Elijah asked, finally placing the bags on the floor and cracking his knuckles.

"Nothing's changed for you. Go back to the pack. I'll stay here and monitor from the outskirts." Liam decided, finally sitting up and stretching.

I admired his toned figure for a moment, my eyes glued on the way his biceps moved with his arm over his head. Every muscle clear as day on his toned body, the wide span of his chiseled chest out in the open for me to ogle over. And I lapped it up greedily.

I shook my head and removed my gaze quickly but not before seeing Liam's wide gaze taking my reaction in.

"I'm not leaving you," Elijah declared stubbornly.

"I'm not giving you the choice," Liam stated with authority, his eyes flickering back to the younger teen's.

"W-well it doesn't matter to me. You're not my alpha," Elijah stuttered. "And you can bet Mason will feel the same way when he's back."

Liam ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "I don't want you involved in this Elijah. And I'll tell Mason the same thing. I don't know what I'm doing," He admitted.

"I'm with you," Elijah stated.

"I-I'm sorry, I can't ask any of you to give up your time to watch over me." My heart was beating so rapidly at their kindness but I was in no place to ask these wolves for favours. "That's not a favour I can repay."

Elijah grinned at me, "No need to thank me. Heroes don't need thanks. We really don't do it for the praise anyway. But I wouldn't object to a song with my name included. I have a tune in mind actually-"

"Elijah," Mrs. Myers chastised as he clamped his lips together quickly. "As for me, I'll protect this precious gift with my life. This is greater than you, Maeve. I hope with time you'll realize that." She snapped her fingers at Elijah, "Bring my parakeets."

He rolled his eyes but grabbed the two bags off the floor and walked out of my small bookstore with them. I had a feeling that he was very frightened of her.

"Thank you," I whispered to her in absolute shock that this woman would do something like that for me. She nodded at me before walking out herself.

I turned to Liam after hearing him moving around, the blanket which once laid on him was now folded neatly on the side. He stood up, shorts now gracing his lower half. His form towered over mine, but instead of making me feel scared like I thought it would, it made me feel safe; protected.

"Um- thank you. It really is above and beyond what I should expect," I told Liam honestly. He was risking his life to make sure wolves didn't attack me. I couldn't understand that.

He gazed at me longingly and for too long a moment. It looked like he was about to say something but thought better of it. Finally, he spoke, "I'll always protect you, Maeve. In any capacity I'm here."

His quiet voice sent shivers down my spine. "But I hope you know, I can't give you what you're looking for, Liam."

I felt a pang in my chest only this time, I couldn't tell whose pain this one belonged to. It felt like both of us were swirling as one.

He gave me a sad smile, "I know," He whispered before he too walked out, leaving me feeling an indescribable loneliness that I had never felt in all my life.

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