Chapter Eleven

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The next few days flew by without me seeing much of the three wolves who had woven themselves into my life in such a short period of time

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The next few days flew by without me seeing much of the three wolves who had woven themselves into my life in such a short period of time. Everyday I looked out for Liam, but saw nothing of him other than the subtle flashes of fur blurring by in the forest.

At this point, I was considering expanding my parakeet collection so I could catch a glimpse of the three of them. That's what I called desperate. I couldn't pin why I felt that way though. They had saved my life, but I hardly knew them.

"Charles!" Madison screeched. "I can't stare at another one of your recommendation stickers! Who the hell thought this would be a good idea?"

"Ha," Charles taunted, "Take it up with management."

"Do I really need to sleep with the boss to get her to give me stickers for my book recommendations?" Charlotte rolled her eyes blatantly at me.

"You're our accountant," I reminded her.

She waved her hands in dismissal, "Minor detail."

I laughed, "I really beg to defer."

"Thanks to you, all we're going to have in the recommended section are non-fiction books chosen by Charles. Charles, Maeve," Madison elaborated.

I pulled out a pack of stickers with my name on them, "Not only Charles," I taunted.

Her mouth dropped and she glared at me, "I think you have a bias against accountants."

"I do have a bias against accountants who refuse to do what they're hired to do."

"It's so boring, Maeve!" Madison whined before she huffed and began to remove Charles' recommendations back to the back of the shop.

"You always have my back," Charles smiled kindly at me as he walked towards me.

Things between Charles and I had been tense for the last couple days. He had been great. But I was confused and I felt so guilty when he touched me. I wasn't sure he noticed my change in spirits though.

He stretched to kiss me and I turned my head at the last minute so his lips met my cheek. My stomach twisted.

The two of them still didn't know anything about Liam and I being mates. I didn't know where to start. It felt like a dream - or nightmare - that I wasn't waking up from.

"Um, Maeve?" Madison called from the front.

"What is it?" I rolled my eyes, "I swear if this is about the non-fiction section again, I'm going to lose it."

I walked up to the front of the store to see Madison staring out the window. I followed her gaze to a tall man that stood outside of the shop with his arms folded across his wide chest. He was frowning and stood, unmoving.

"Do you know him?" Madison asked me nervously.

A tingle went down my spine. I couldn't stand new customers anymore. I'd had too many bad experiences. This man didn't look any different.

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