Chapter Ten

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Walking out of that bookstore was the hardest thing I've ever had to do

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Walking out of that bookstore was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. She didn't want me. She didn't feel the bond.

Yet, I could feel her gaze on me. I could see the way she felt my pain. What did that mean?

I shook my head in a weak attempt to clear my head. It was useless. Maeve had managed to creep into every crevice of my brain and I couldn't turn it off. It was exhilarating and absolutely excruciating right now. When I couldn't wrap her in my arms.

"Liam," Mrs. Myers called from a few feet away. I turned to look at her and I could feel my eyes well with unshed tears. How was I supposed to move on without my mate? I couldn't, I realized. Whether she wanted me or not, I was tethered for life. "Fate has chosen the two of you for a reason. I don't know why, but the advice that I do know will help is to be patient. Time has a funny way of solving our problems for us."

I nodded rigidly before turning away from her and running. For the first time in my life, I was turning to my wolf to help me navigate. I didn't know how else I could get through this. I shifted quickly and shot off as fast as my limbs could take me.

I felt the wind flow through my fur and I attempted to focus on everything, anything other than the inner rumblings of my brain. The crunching leaves, the sloshing puddles, my soaked paws, until the emotional upheaval was too much for my body to take and a loud howl emerged before I could think twice.

I collapsed on the ground, my body battered from the past two days, my soul feeling crushed, my heart almost broken and I let the pattering of the rain on my body numb me to into a dreamless sleep.

By the time I had woken up, I was warm and dry. That was enough to confuse me, but one specific mouthwatering smell had me awake and alert. My eyes opened to a bowl of soup and a loaf of bread. Though it smelt amazing, it wasn't what I was smelling.

"How are you feeling?" The angelic voice called out. I looked up to see Maeve, her brown hair tumbling down her shoulders, her eyebrows furrowed in a frown. How I wished I could reach up and smooth out those worries.

I sat up and recognized her bookstore for the second time that day. I clearly wasn't making the best impression here.

I scratched the back of my head, "What happened?" I asked in confusion.

"Mrs. Myers sent Elijah to look for you and he brought you back here," Maeve explained as she put a bowl of soup in a tray in my lap. She handed me a spoon, "Eat something."

I stared at the bowl of what looked like chicken noodle soup in wonder. She cleared her throat, "I wasn't sure if you liked soup. I know wolf diets tend to be... different."

I understood what she meant. Wolves tended to eat their kill. Wolves didn't tend to prep their meals. "I like soup," I offered as I placed the spoon in the steaming liquid and swallowed thickly.

I looked up to see her gaze set on me and I cleared my throat nervously, "Thank you."

She nodded placing the loaf of bread in my tray as well and moving back to sit on a leather reading chair. She tucked her legs under her and nervously shifted her hair behind her shoulder. Her eyes shot to mine to see if I was still looking. I was. I couldn't help myself.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked again.

I nodded, "Better, thank you." Everything felt better in her presence. Her mere being soothed my wounds.

"I'm sorry, Liam. Truly. I-I don't know what to say," She explained honestly.

I placed the tray on the floor and leaned forward, hesitating at the last minute until I was on my knees before her. "You have nothing to apologize for, Maeve. I just need to know if you feel what I feel? Do you think you could ever feel what I feel?"

I reached forward and gently took her hands in mine, tingles shooting up and down my arms reminding me yet again that this was right. This was destiny.

I was surprised when she sucked in a breath and tightened her grip on my hands. I felt hope rise in my chest. Maybe she could. Maybe we could.

"Liam," She trailed, "I do feel something here. I don't think I could ever deny that. But I'm engaged and my loyalty lies with him."

Her hands slowly let go of mine and I let my arms fall. I understood, but that didn't dull the pain.

Her eyes flashed with something I couldn't pin down before she raised her hand to my cheek softly and let it rest there for a moment, "I can feel what you feel, Liam."

Those simple words brought the relief that I needed. She was tied as I was. And I knew in that moment that Mrs. Myers was more right than ever. I needed to be patient. My role was to be what she needed in the moment.

In this moment, she needed a protector. Perhaps in the future it would be a friend. I'd clamour to accept whatever she offered me because she was worth the wait.

And I knew as I sat here with her that I'd watch her walk down the aisle with another man. I'd watch her start a life with him. Everything if it was what she wanted. What she needed.


Happy halloween!! Hope you're all having an amazing, safe night.

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