Chapter Twelve

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I watched as Maeve explained to Charles and Madison that we were mates

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I watched as Maeve explained to Charles and Madison that we were mates. That there was an inexplicable bond that would forever tether us to each other. I watched as Charles embraced her and told her they'd get through it. Was it just in my head or did she look guilty?

Maeve looked at me, "What are we supposed to do now?"

Glass crunched as a body entered the now destroyed book store. I recognized them immediately. "You need to come back to our pack with us."

Maeve's eyes widened in panic, "Go to a wolf pack? With you?"

He almost let out a small smile, which was more than he usually did before replying, "With all of us."

"This is Mason," I introduced. "Elijah's brother. He came back home today." The two brothers couldn't have been more different though. Elijah was chatty and innocent and kind hearted and Mason... well wasn't.

"I'm sorry, she's not going anywhere with you," Charles interrupted, placing a hand on Maeve's waist before turning his gaze towards me, "Or you."

I kept my expression stoic though if I admitted it to myself what I really wanted to do was rip his goddamn hand from his body before he even thought to touch Maeve again. But this was the person she chose. So I had to shut up and put up.

"It's the only place she'll have protection," I admitted. "There's only so much we can do, the four of us. But if  she had the protection of a pack, it might change things. Put an end to the attacks or at least these rogue ones anyway."

Maeve remained silent, her eyes looked far away as she contemplated what we were saying.

"She can't just leave," Madison whispered, her voice shaky and uncertain, her eyes not even making eye contact with us. It was easy to see she was terrified of wolves.

"If someone decides to attack as a pack, we're screwed," Mason explained. "We can't fend off a pack. It's clear the word is out and we're lucky there have only been one off attacks at this point."

"And if this ends here? If you don't see the point in attacking her anymore?" Charles protested and I bristled at his accusation as though I was the one attacking my mate.

"It might me the case," I conceded. "And it might not."

"I have to go," Maeve whispered.

Charles shot her a look, "Like hell you do! I'm not letting you go anywhere." I could send him somewhere. Somewhere very very far. Without a head.

Maeve shook her head, "It's the only way to make sure I don't get anyone hurt. You both almost died today. I... I can't do that. And it's not fair to Liam and all of you, spending every waking moment here, protecting me."

She didn't know that I was happier protecting her from yards away than I'd ever been in my life.

Maeve turned to me, her expression serious, "But we need to figure out what to do about this. This is obviously not a long term solution."

I nodded, "We'll talk to the alpha. We need to get you accepted into the pack first. It won't be easy," I warned her.

Her eyes widened slightly but she shook it off, her gaze taking in her now destroyed book store. I knew how much this place meant to her. It was her parents' bookstore after all.

"I'm sorry about your shop, Maeve," I murmured.

Her gaze shot up to meet mine, her expression warm, before she turned back to the destroyed door and window out front.

I nudged Mason subtly, "Er. Yeah, sorry about the window." He scratched the back of his head.

Maeve smiled slightly at him, "Thanks for saving my life."

"We'll call it even," He joked.

Alright. That was enough of them talking. "Maeve, do you think you'd be able to leave by tomorrow?"

Charles interrupted, "Tomorrow?!"

She glanced at Charles before turning to look at me and nodding, "Yeah. I think the earlier the better."

Charles was turning red at this point and I took pleasure in that look until Maeve turned to him, "We should talk."

He nodded at her, walking behind her as she led the way out of her bookstore.

Madison was still shaking like a leaf when I looked over at her. "You okay there?" I asked.

Her eyes shot up to mine, widening in the process. "Oh. Uh huh. So good."

I nudged Mason to help me lift Maeve's bookshelves off the ground and he did just that, grabbing one end while I grabbed the other.

I began to pickup books off of the floor and place them back on the shelves. Mason walked to the front of the store and began to pickup remnants of glass on the floor.

I glanced at Madison to see her eyeing me suspiciously. "You can ask me whatever you want, you know. I won't hurt you."

She was silent for a moment before nodding to the book I was currently holding - History of the Second World War. "W-what's your take on non-fiction?"

I chuckled, placing it back onto the shelf. "Overrated," I winked at her and I saw the ghost of a smile play on her lips in response.

"What on earth did you two do?" Mrs. Myer's authoritative called from the front of the store.

I looked back at Madison to see her demeanour return to that of fear so I whispered, "Don't worry, she's with us." She nodded at me.

"Attack," Mason shrugged shucking the shards of glass into a box nearby.

"You don't say," Mrs. Myers rolled her eyes.

"Maeve will be coming back with us onto pack lands," I informed her.

"I don't see that we have much of a choice," Mrs. Myers murmured. She eyed me up and down, "Are you prepared for what's in store with that decision?"

I hesitated, "I don't see any other option. We can't defend her or ourselves if it came to an organized attack. I don't know how Alpha Rolland will react to it."

"It won't be good. We'll have to equip ourselves with the ancient laws first. They're your only hope."

"Aw, man. I go home to visit grandpa and I miss all the fun!" Elijah wailed as he entered the bookstore. "Mason!" He greeted running up to his brother to embrace him.

"Hey little guy," Mason replied ruffling his hair.

"I'm not little anymore. It's been a year since you've been gone. You've got to update your lingo."

Mason put his hands up, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Big guy. Big, huge man."

"That's better," Elijah smiled.

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