Chapter Seventeen

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I woke up to complete silence in a bed that wasn't my own

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I woke up to complete silence in a bed that wasn't my own. I stared out the large window to the side of my room and watched the birds chirping by. Though circumstances change, the birds would always be around at least. I yawned, stretching in the bed before showering and changing.

I grabbed a book Madison had packed for me and crept downstairs quietly to see Liam still asleep peacefully on the couch. His legs dangled over the armrest and I could only imagine how uncomfortable he was. I made a mental note to tell him to take the bed tonight.

I boiled some water and found a wayward teabag - peppermint. It'd have to do. As I poured the boiling water into a mug, my eyes caught sight of a small bench outside on the backyard so I snuck out of the door in the kitchen and sat in the silence.

I took a sip of my tea and surveyed the area. The wolves I'd seen yesterday were gone and the town was quiet, like everyone was still asleep. I balanced my tea on the uneven bench and opened my book but before I was a page through I heard a squeak. I looked up to see a small boy who seemed to be four years old.

"Hi," I waved timidly.

He waved back without saying anything, just staring at me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He continued to just stare at me as though I was sitting on a cloud. Or made of feathers. Insert analogy here.

"My name's Maeve" I communicated in this one sided-conversation.

His eyes glanced down at the book in my hand so I held it up. "Do you like to read?"

He shook his head. Progress.

"Do you like stories then?" I asked and his head perked up, as he nodded.

I opened my book back up again but began to read a story from memory instead, "Once in the days of dragons there lived a boy named Nonny. Like many kids of that time, Nonny wished more than anything else to fight dragons. Every day after his chores, he took his wooden sword deep into the forest and hacked the heads off imaginary dragons. Finally, Nonny said goodbye to his parents and walked until he came to the King's court. He bowed before the King and said, "Sire, please make me a knight, so I can fight dragons!" The king replied "Fine with me! Rise, Sir Nonny." He gave a big yawn.
Nonny rose, shivering with excitement.
From then on, Nonny spent all his time with the other knights of the court."

I looked up at the boy to see a look of awe on his face. See, everyone liked to read. You just had to find their niche. I wish Charlotte could have seen this moment.

"Should I keep reading?" I asked.

He nodded enthusiastically. "But I have to go home." He stated sadly.

"That's okay, stories wait for you."

"Bye Maeve!" He grinned, running off into the forest.

The door creaked open and Liam walked outside with a mug in hand, smiling at me. "I didn't want to interrupt the moment."

"Reading to a neighbourhood stray?" I laughed scooting over so he had room on the bench.

"I call it getting to know the neighbours," He chuckled, sitting down next to me. His large figure fitting snugly right next to mine, the warmth emanating from him keeping my right side nice and toasty.

I surveyed the barren yard in front of me that had clearly not been touched in a while. The weeds pretty much touched my knees as I walked, the stemmed greens having taken over the expanse of the yard. "You know this yard would be perfect for a garden. It's in full sun," I stated looking up at the direction of the sun and seeing that it beat down directly on the area in question.

"I never thought about touching the yard," Liam admitted. "Do you like gardening?"

"I do, but ask me if I'm good at it and you'll get a very different answer," I laughed. "I've only managed to grow tomatoes at... home."

His arm brushed against mine on the bench and the familiar energy that flowed between us intensified momentarily. It really was magical the way mates worked.

"You think we'll ever get used to that?" I asked curiously.

Liam hesitated, "I know I never will, Maeve."

I loved the way he said my name and the way it caused butterflies to flutter in my stomach. Like I was the most important person to him. Could I say the same about him? I knew it was getting more and more difficult to deny it.

I stood up stretching my arms, "What say you we catch a squirrel for breakfast?"

He laughed, standing up as well. "Funny."

"You in more of a chipmunk mood?" I teased back.

"You're getting comfortable," He laughed poking my side, making me squirm. "Why don't you get inside and I'll make you my famous omelette?"

"Famous?" I gasped lightheartedly. "According to who?"

"There's not many people that eat cooked food here, Maeve. My audience is small."

"Barely famous omelette it is!" I cheered walking inside.

I couldn't pinpoint why I felt so at ease with Liam. Obviously I knew it was the bond, but it felt so natural, like I didn't even have to think about it. I'd never felt like that in my life.

After we finished the omelette, which actually was amazing, we cleaned up and Liam began to get ready to do his work. He took a few tools in a toolbox and we exited his home, walking down the street towards Mr. Lewis' house. I was actually very excited to see Mason and Elijah. Elijah was like the younger brother I never had. And Mason was a sweet protector through and through.

Liam knocked on the door and it swung open immediately. "Maeve!" Elijah cheered. "No visits, no postcards. We thought you'd forgotten about us!"

"It's been a day, Elijah!" I laughed, moving forward to hug him.

"How quickly you get sick of your friends," Elijah pouted.

"Let her in," Mason called from inside.

"Them," Liam responded with irritation.

Elijah moved to the side and we entered the home. I saw Mason sitting on a chair in the kitchen and walked over to him to give him a hug. He cleared his throat, looking behind me. I removed my arms and looked back to see Liam with an odd expression on his face. He couldn't have been jealous of Elijah and Mason though. They were... different. I couldn't look at them in that way, ever.

An older man walked in from another room and smiled warmly at me. "You must be the reason my grandson finally came home."

"I'm always home, grandpa," Elijah said rolling his eyes.

"Your brother," Mr. Lewis clarified

"It's so nice to meet you," I smiled, standing up and extending my hand out. However, he surprised me by pulling me into his embrace.

"We are so happy to have you here. And I am honoured to meet you, Maeve."

I wrapped my arms around him in surprise and glanced at Liam to see him looking at me affectionately.

"Well Liam, what are you waiting for? My upstairs faucet won't fix itself," Mr. Lewis declared.

Liam looked in between me and Mason and Elijah before nodding curtly and walking upstairs with Mr. Lewis.

"I can't remember the last time grandpa hugged me," Elijah muttered.

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