Chapter 35

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Daisy's P.O.V

I push the mascara wand against my long eyelashes to add volume before taking a step back and checking my face in the mirror.

I have very minimal make-up on just a nude-bronze eyeshadow look and clear lip gloss. I pick up my hairbrush, running it through the curls I made earlier to soften and open them up before picking up the hair spray to set them.

Today we're going to Liam's birthday party.

Everyone will be there except obviously Sophia and Claire.

I haven't spoken with Sophia ever since I texted her that our friendship was over. She didn't really react to that, just said fine and that was it. It's kind of sad how things ended but there's nothing I can do about it, we just didn't click anymore.

I spray perfume on my wrist and rub them together as well as against the skin behind my ears. I put on my gold small hoop earrings before leaving the bathroom.

I rush to the bedroom and pick up my oversized black satin shirt dress and put it on leaving the first three buttons undone.

I contemplate for a second whether to leave my nude bra underneath or not but in the end, I decided against it, unclipping it and throwing it on the bed.

I pick up my black belt with gold accents next buckling it around my waist, pulling and tucking on my dress afterwards to adjust it. I bent down and slip on my black stiletto heels before going on my wardrobe to grab my black faux leather coat. I slip my room card in my black shoulder bag with a gold chain strap before grabbing my phone from the kitchen counter.

Right on time, I hear Theo knocking on my door.

I stop for a second on my way out to check myself in the full-length mirror on the bathroom door.

"Hey," I say once I open the door, seeing him leaning back on his door across mine.

"Hey, pretty girl," he says, smiling softly whilst his eyes check me out.

He's looking hot as always with a plain black slightly more fitted t-shirt, black jeans with a black belt on and his black biker boots. On top of this is of course his signature leather jacket.

"You look good," I say as he takes a couple of steps closer to me.

"Says you," he says, standing right in front of me.

He places his hand on my upper thigh where my dress ends, making me feel the coolness of the silver rings on his fingers against my warm skin.

"Ready to go?" He asks, staring at me in the eye.

"Yes, let's go," I say, smiling as we start walking side by side.

The soft leather seat and the fresh smell of Theos car are slowly becoming familiar to me.

A smile appears on my face at the unconscious, I'll say, gesture of Theo having one of his hands on my knee, drumming his fingers to the beat and only taking it off when he needs to change gears.

The drive there is quiet, short and sweet as we just enjoy the music. I leave my coat in the car before leaving and walking up to the flat.

"Hello, you guys!" Amelia greets us loudly with a big smile once we rang the doorbell.

"Hi," I say, hugging her as we enter the place I was last here for the Halloween party.

"Where's the birthday boy?" Theo yells, looking around for Liam.

Pretty much everyone seems to be here.

"I'm here mate," Liam shouts, coming towards us.

"Happy birthday bro," Theo says, hugging him.

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