Chapter 61

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Daisy's P.O.V

"It's a lovely garden, I love the roses," I say, looking around the big open garden filled with different kinds of flowers and tall trees shielding the view from the houses next door.

"Yeah, the roses are my favourites as well, it was a birthday gift from your father," she says with a soft smile plaster on her face.

I didn't think my dad would be the romantic type.

"You know, he never stopped talking or wondering about you," she says suddenly.

"Really, about what?" I ask with eyebrows furrowed, curious to know.

"He was thinking about what you look like, if you look more like him or your mum," she starts saying as we continue walking around the garden.

He didn't know what I look like? Did my mum never even send a picture? That will explain why he didn't recognise me at the start.

"What's your favourite colour, your favourite food. What's your style in clothing, if you're a good student or a rebel. Whether anyone broke your heart or if you found true love and stuff like that," she says gently, bringing me to a halt.

"Your mum never sent him any pictures of you no matter how much he begged for them," she says, looking at me as she answers my previous unasked questions.

"Oh, wow," I say dumbfounded.

"Yeah, it's a really sad situation," she says.

"Look," she starts saying, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't want you to hate either of them. They both handle some things wrong and they both are to blame for things. All I'm hoping for is that you can give your dad a second chance but only if you really want to and think it's best for you. That's what your dad wants as well, he doesn't want you to feel pressured," she says, squeezing my hands as tears gather up in my eyes.

"Thank you, for everything," I say, smiling at her before letting her hug me.

I catch Theo's gaze with mine as we walk back inside and smile at him. He seems very relaxed in his slouchy posture with my dad so, I'm hoping that's a good sign and that my dad didn't grill him.

"We should get going," he says after checking the time on his phone, standing up and grabbing my jacket and bag in his hands.

"Yes we should, thank you for the dinner it was really nice," I say smiling at them.

"Thank you for the company, it was a pleasure having you two here," my dad says smiling.

"Have a safe travel back home," his fiance says to us as they walk us up to the door.

"Thank you, have a good night," Theo says before glancing at me.

"Do let me know once you arrive back so I could sleep peacefully tonight," my dad says, smiling softly at me.

"I will," I say, looking at my dad for once more.

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and bring him into an embrace, feeling how his stiff posture shrivels under my touch. I get to feel how warm his big strong hands feel like around me for the first time in 15 years.

He exhales loudly next to my head and slightly tightens his grip on my waist and upper back, letting me know that I'm not the only one that was yearning for or savouring this moment.

"We'll be in touch," I say to him before pulling away, feeling that fatherly touch slip away from my fingers.

Theo helps me put my jacket on but keeps my bag in one hand whilst wrapping the other around my arms.

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