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Emotions rule us & for others not to be ruled, they have shut down their emotions.



Being followed was a nuisance because when it came to wolves they had the uncanny ability of using their heightened senses to track you, when they couldn't see you, luckily I could easily avoid that too, by blending in and then using someone else's scent to hide my own, currently I had thrown a random man's coat over my shoulders, he was rather amused by my hiding but didn't ask much.

"Pardon my lack of tact but can I have your number?" He asked as we headed down a very busy street, this was perfect to hide in and run away, Sterling had given me the address to where I would find the rogues, so all I had to do was get an uber or taxi after I had gotten rid of the wolves tailing me. "I'm not sure that's a good idea." I replied with caution, I didn't want to get his hopes up, after this we were never going to meet, ever. "Oh come on, I can't be that bad." He asserted with a dashing smile, and honestly he wasn't but I couldn't afford entanglements right now. "I promise I won't nag you, just a drink." He persuaded and what harm would a drink be, so I took the pen from his coat and my notepad, quick and easy I gave him the number. "Thanks." I mumbled just as a taxi stopped beside us and I got in.

"Billford and step on it." I instructed the driver and we were off, without wolves sniffing on my trail I could easily get to where I wanted, Kholis Bay was home to a lot of wolves, the pack in GroveHill was just as old as the rogue factions that lived here, its why the factions never disappeared from the town, or get absorbed, it was somewhat a weird harmony between them, I wondered if that peace had also reached their relations, they were always rocky during the times I lived here and it wouldn't be a surprise if things had gotten worse.

"Here." The driver called out, I paid him and got out to be greeted by a large mansion, it was the only mansion along the narrow street, it was a magnificent structure, the place looked like it was maintained to the highest degree, and the air was crisp and fresh, these wolves were definitely living lavishly even for rogues. I walked past the guarded gates until I got to the main door, just as I was about to knock, it opened, a man rather wolf who looked to be in his early thirties stood there, dark eyes that contrasted with his olive skin, he seemed dangerous, in many ways. "Good afternoon." I offered with a smile, he blinked twice trying to get back his senses, I could tell he was confused through his emotions, so I just waited.

"Uh, sorry, she's been expecting you." He expressed opening the door, I wondered what he meant about she's been expecting me, and how the hell would anyone know I would be here. "Come in." He spoke gently though his voice was gruff. I hesitantly walked in, the inside was just as breathtaking as the outside. "Hello Carter." The voice came from the stairs, right at the top, she looked beautiful, regal, a queen in her palace, she also screamed danger making my senses spike, ready for anything. "Hello." I hesitantly replied as she descended the stairs. "Don't be alarmed dear, Jeff told me you would come, I thought you would use the call to inform me but you asked cautious questions, things you wanted to know specifically, that's smart." She commented on what I had done precisely making me smirk, she was good, and also the information about Sterling put me slightly at ease, not completely.

"Follow me." She ordered and I followed her, my heels clicking on the tiled floor. "Sterling Jeff said you were exquisite but his words don't do you justice." She complimented making me chuckle, atleast I had gotten my look right today, instead of being rugged and rough, wolves tend to view delicate things as weak and often feel the need to protect them therefore are more open to saying things they shouldn't. "Thank you, I didn't get your name." I replied warily and she chuckled. "My name is Katherine dear, and I lead this peaceful faction of rogues." She replied whimsically and I couldn't help smile a little wider, she was really something else. "Borel bring us something to drink." She ordered and he went onto his task right then. As he came back the larger wolf let a few drops of clear tonic drop into the wine glass before handing it to Katherine. "Excuse that, my mate doesn't like me drinking." She spoke up, I waved it off, it wasn't any of my business but. "Vervain, mixed with red fern paste and crushed fuschia roots, it cancels out the smell of alcohol and several toxins, let me tell you a secret, if you add dead man's ash and oakwood sap, the smell of blood can be completely eradicated." I offered my olive branch, the only way I was going to get something out of Katherine was if I gave something and it seemed it had worked.

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