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I am certain that emotions do not cloud judgement but rather amplify the darkest of our emotions so it seems we lose ourselves but do we truly.

Linden Everlin.



"Wolves don't randomly show up on the beach dead!" Alpha Harrison yelled as we all stood in the morgue, I had come because I could see Tai couldn't go through losing another parent in just a short amount of time like this, I wondered who had killed beta Seth before I got to him, I wanted to thank that person generously for making my work far much easier. "Find out who did this, and where is Torrez dammit, he should be handling this." The alpha growled in frustration, I could understand why, his pack members were dying one by one, and soon it would be him, I would be uneasy as well. Tai stood silently over his father's body, taking the white hospital sheet, he covered his face once again.

"Im sorry about your dad?" I spoke just as his siblings burst into the room and ran to where we were. "Alpha, Torrez is in the ICU, he was critically injured by rogues in the eastern part of our territory." I heard the wolf next to alpha Harrison whisper into his ear, despite it being a whisper in a room almost full of wolves, I heard them and I was glad I did, excusing myself under the guise of giving Tai and his family alone time, I walked out of the morgue, then past the hallways of the small clinic to the outside, there was only one place an injured wolf could go and that was pack infirmary, that's where I would find Torrez and finally find out what's going on, because if there was anyone who knew, it was him, he was everywhere. Quickly I made it to the house, ran upstairs, since no one was here, I could get what I want and be out in no time.

Defrays healed with herbal medicines, with the help of alchemy, but that skill wasn't applied in healing only, my grandmother taught me how to make toxins that killed a fully grown werewolf in minutes and one of those, I had carried with me, so I unkocked the case it was in, took the vial and locked the case again, changing into something more comfortable, I made my way out, lips cherry red. To get answers Torrez had to be incapacitated, and then I would decide what to do with him but he had already been on my kill list, I doubted he'd have anything that could exonerate him, I drove as fast as I could to the pack infirmary, once there I stole a nurse's uniform and a name tag.

The adrenaline and thrill of what I was doing wasn't lost on me, I didn't like the person I had to be to get justice for those who wronged and killed the people I loved, but it was necessary, necessary I became a monster. I found the room the head warrior was in and made my way in there, it was clinically white, the dulled out scent of bleach making me sneeze, I expected a reaction from the sleeping giant but he seemed beyond broken, as if he had been put into a grinder for just a minute before it started breaking him. It was a pitiful sight to see but I wasn't here to feel pity, so I walked past his lower body by the bed to where his head lay on comfortable pillows.

Opening myself up to his emotions I found nothing I could use to connect to his emotions, and without that tie, I could do nothing until, I felt it, pain, emotional pain, I quickly laid a hand ontop of his bandaged head and another hand held his larger one, with that, I went free falling into the mind of a murderer and the first of the images to hit me were of the days before  when someone tried to run me over. "You need to kill him, a Defray sniffing around isn't good for business, Carter especially, has a nose for finding out the truths of the bay and I can't have him finding out what I'm up to, alright, so find him and kill him." It was that voice again, the one that gave orders to the beta mates, to alpha Harrison, he called her Denara and now it was ordering Torrez, I knew it meant something because I was sure at this point I knew who Denara was.

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