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May their souls finally find rest in their slumber.




In that moment as I faced her, I was grateful for all the broken bones and excruciating pain my mate and Lincoln put me through. I dodged and pulled it out of the wall and threw it back, it got lodged in her leg as I lunged for her, I landed several punches, then an uppercut which had her falling on her ass. "You're pathetic without your gun." I drawled out as she flipped back to her feet and kicked my ribs, I staggered back as she tackled me to the ground and began punching my already healed ribs, without much force I punched her gut making her groan in pain, using her own weight I managed to throw her off me and flex my strained arm. "You're stronger than you seem." She mumbled as we circled each other. "I was trained to kill several alphas at once." I told her and I could see the visible shake in her eyes, but she still lunged for me, I caught her punch, kicked her leg and broke it causing her to muffle the scream that broke from her lips.

I dragged her to the desk by her neck and slammed her into it, it shattered on impact due to the force, I picked up a piece of wood from the  broken table and stabbed her through the stomach with it. "You see I need information before I kill you, who is the attorney or lawyer who told Tai about how Irina died?" I demanded and she chuckled but stayed strong enough not to answer, it didn't matter, taking a vial of poison from my inner pocket I dangled it in front of her. "Answer or not, you're still going to die, one drop will make sure of it." I explained as I grabbed the wooden piece lodged in her stomach and twisted hard causing her to scream, when she did I forced down the entire contents of the vial down her throat, it would take a while to kill her, but it would, I made it especially for wolves.

What was that, what did you—" She choked out as I caressed her bloody face. "Nothing at all dear, but I'm grateful no one can hear us in here, I'm going to make you scream till you tell me what I want to know." I exclaimed her eyes widening in fear, but when I read something else from her emotions it led me to dodge her left hand completely, she held another knife there, I'm sure she had them on her like me. "You are just full of knifey surprises huh." I mumbled grabbing the hand  and forcing it down to her chest till she stabbed herself, over and over again. "Look what you've done now." I whined as I wiped away the blood spatter on my arm. "Do you know how hard it is dry clean this thing without mixing colours!" I angrily yelled and she looked away, her mouth leaking blood.

The thing about being a werewolf gifted with the power to read emotions, was that you could tell when someone was sneaking up behind you, secondly their emotions told you of their intentions before they acted, I remained motionless, pretending not to feel their presence in the room, I allowed my wolf to take over, it was a trick Lincoln taught me, when someone is to attack you from behind, allow your wolf to take over, it will seem as if your body is getting ready to shift thus hardening your bones, when I allowed my wolf to take over, that's what happened, I felt the impact of the hard vase with my head and like it had been rehearsed, I fell to the ground feigning unconsciousness.

"Denara are you okay?!" The man hurriedly went over to the woman, he pulled out the wooden piece, I could tell because with my wolf in control a lot was heightened. "Thanks." She choked out, I knew the wooden piece was taking most of her healing, with it gone her healing would be a little more rapid. "I cant feel my leg, he's done more damage than I expected." She explained to the man but little did she know, it was the poison, it slowly numbed your body like a snake's neurotoxin to humans, it would numb the body then shut off your organs one by one till they all failed and you dropped dead, its concentrated but also undetectable in the blood stream, I hadn't perfected it not to show in the cells but it would do the job.

"Take him to the basement through the hidden door, tie him up, he might be unconscious and docile now but I doubt he will be when he wakes up." He instructed the man just as he helped her to her feet. He left her and came over to me, with ease he held me in his arms like a bride, soon enough with several doors opening and closing we were going down, all of it was being relayed to Saint and Lincoln its also how I knew that Denara wasn't attending to the party, rather fleeing and Lincoln was following her. Once in the basement the man did as instructed. "How could someome so angelic be so deadly and cold." He muttered to himself as I dragged in a sharp breath. "Deadly yes, cold no." I answered making him shriek and move back. "Fuck!" He swore and I groaned, I hated cussing.

"So I take it you're Denara's right hand and mate." I asserted shocking him. "How did you —." He mumbled in response and I shrugged. "Its kind of obvious, see I'm gifted and that gift allows me to feel other people's emotions and yours they are just sad." I explained and he seemed skeptical. "Sweetie, you feel as if Denara has been using you and your bond this whole while, she's never truly cared, never had any intention of just being with you and be happy with that." I exclaimed shocking the man who nodded. "Yeah, its as if, everything I do, it's not good enough, I built a great career, to give her everything but it was never enough, I just want to be loved." He confesses and that was my opportunity to project my own emotions into him.

I barely did it, but I was tied up. "You know what I think?" I spoke softly and he nodded. "You should let me go, and we go find Denara, you tell her how you feel, if she doesn't want to change then you reject her, take your life back." I stated softly and as I expected he took the bait, nodded fully to my coercion. "You're right, if she can't love me, I will find love elsewhere." He got close to me and I readied myself, shifted my hands into claws. "You aren't tricking me right?" He stutters, his pause on untying me making me groan internally. "No, why would I ever do that." I sweetly replied as he finished untying me. "For those to far gone, death is mercy." I heard Saint speak in my head as I slashed the man's throat killing him in an instant with my claws. "Sorry dear, she would've just made you a puppet all over again." I pat his cheek before standing up to leave.

I make my way out of the pack house, most of the wolves were gone, a few who I assumed lived there were still around as I slipped out with a preppy smile. "One down." Saint informed me with a sly smile before we turned to walk toward where Lincoln was in the woods. "Look who I found trying to flee." He called out throwing Denara near our feet where she crawled back helplessly. "You've destroyed this pack with your rot and lies, all of it was because you wanted power, to the extent of using your own son, a luna protects her people, she fights for them, you abused, hurt and killed your own, my family is dead because of you and I'm sorry but I can't let you live after what you've done, their souls would never rest in peace." I mumbled caressing her cheek softly before moving away.

A nod toward Lincoln, he snapped her neck to a point I knew she was dead and even werewolf healing couldn't help. "Its done." I whispered as relief washed over my whole being, the list was complete, but as quickly as it came, the relief was gone  a very angry Enzo was making his way toward us and I could almost taste his blood lust.



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