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Try as we might, we cannot escape the emotional bonds tied to those we love, no matter how much they hurt us.



"Thank you so much." A woman I had met a few minutes ago kept repeating those words over and over to me, when the pack came to Lorenzo, I had made sure the kids were all there, and we made our way back to the pack house, some immediately ran to their homes, others found their brother or sister the moment we arrived, it was such a sight to see, as families were reunited. "I hear you found them." Katherine stated as she made her way toward me, her presence only causing the other wolves to either move away or admire her. "Hello Katherine, and yes, I did." I replied challenging her gaze, we stayed that way for a moment until she looked away. "Thank you." She spoke genuinely, I could tell since her emotions were bare to me, she was genuinely grateful.

"You're welcome, there must have been kids from your pack." I suggested and she nodded towards a few. "We had tried every possible way to look for them but never found anything, and we couldn't walk onto pack territory without being mauled so we chose other methods, if I had known this was your plan, I'd have helped you all the way with it." She explained as she waved to one of the families who had been reunited with their child. "What's done is done, Katherine, we can only move on from here and hope things get better, the pack lost its alpha today, and Enzo is grieving." I informed the woman and she hummed in response. "Im sure it will all work out when she dies, this has her written all over it, but like you told the dead alpha, you will not rest until everyone who had a hand in your grandmother's death is dead, I know you'll fulfil that promise, be wary though Cherry, you have two left on your kill list." She all but stated what I knew already and in her own way I knew she was warning me about Denara and the attorney.

"Thank you Katherine, I do hope we can be friends from here on out." I replied with a small smile and she nodded. "I look forward to more of your beautiful and exquisite self cherry." She whispered in response turning to leave, with her people.

I didn't know what to do now except go home and rest a bit, the pack was going through a lot, and for everything to truly settle, Denara had to be eradicated, but that was a problem for when I wasn't emotionally drained and had blood all over my body, with a missing shoe to boot. As I began my walk strong muscular arms engulfed me, the body towered over me obviously and the scent of home, doused in a lot of expensive cologne assaulted my senses, then apples and vanilla overloaded me, a calmness to my wolf I would usually get when Saint was around, that's when I finally realized it. "Linc, Saint —" I choked out as I couldn't even control myself. "We are here poppy, we are here." He comforted as the dam finally broke, and everything I felt since the day I got here finally came out in tears I couldn't control.

"Let it out, sweetie, let it out." I did, I let out everything I felt, it was hard being an emotional pillar to everyone else, suppressing your own feelings so that you can help someone else, but when home came for you and you knew that you didn't need to act so strong, so brave, you could just be yourself, you would feel an overwhelming barrage of emotion, and all you needed to do, was let it out, until peace came. "Im so glad you're here." I mumbled not moving away from the crushing hold both wolves had me in. "Well we couldn't let you burn down this dump on your own now could we?" Saint retorted making all of us laugh. "You needed the help we came, that's what family does." Linc asserted as he finally let go of me.

"You've grown shorter, when last did I see you?" He joked and I glared at him. "Are you calling me short again?" I demanded and he quirked a brow. "No I'm only asking if I can still carry you with one arm like shortie over there." He replied making me gasp. "Hey!" Saint protests as we both look at each other then jump onto Lincoln effectively knocking him to the ground. "Who you calling short?" I asked and he smirked that oh so cocky smirk. "Not you poppy, maybe appl—" Before he could finish he was in a headlock. "Fine fine, I concede you're very tall." He blurts out as we all break out into a laugh. "Don't you forget it." I asserted as we got to our feet. I also realized something.

"What in the name of the goddess are you doing here Saint Drake Dante?" I almost yelled. "You know Kyro will kill us if he even gets a scratch on him right?" I state looking at Linc who shrugs. "Which one?" He retorts and I groan. "All of them." I respond flailing my hands in the air.

"It was either I bring him or he throws a tantrum, dad goes of the rails for not bringing him along and my brother starts a paint war with his son to make sure we are even, do any of those sound like fun options." He exclaimed and I cringe, if there was anyone who got whatever he wanted more so besides me was Saint, all the men in the Dante clan either bowed and did as he desired, or they bowed and did as he desired. "Don't look so smug or I will lock you up in the back of the car." I shot at Saint who rolled his eyes. "Just be glad I'm here, anyway, can we go, we're starting to draw attention." He points out and I nod, besides every consequence possible that comes with Saint being here, I was glad he had come, he always and I mean always had a way of balancing things out, and this pack really needed that, because things were chaotic.

We made our way to the car Lincoln rented, I put in the directions to the house on the gps and we were off. "Did you guys come straight here from the airport?" I questioned looking behind me to the luggage in the car. "Yeah, I couldn't reach you, so I tracked your phone to the pack house, that's when we found out what happened, but I'd like to hear it from you, what's going on, this pack, it's in disarray, I mean I've been to bad places before, its not to that scale but there is negative energy here, a lot of it." Saint spoke up sitting next to me as Lincoln drove. "It's a lot and I'd rather go over it after I've had a bath, and lunch." I told both of them, they didn't need to reply for me to know they understood.

"So how is home, how's been the baby and Kyro the third Goddess I miss the little trouble maker." I began the conversation that never ended. "He just learnt how to get out of his bed without falling, and you missed it." Saint teased making me pout. "You haven't missed much poppy, that's the only highlight since you left, Grant closed shop by the way."  Lincoln chipped in drawing my attention. "Wait, why, I thought business was booming." I retorted and both wolves snicker. "There was never a business, his wife caught him throwing a sex party and hosting an illegal animal auction there, she was not happy." Saint added and my jaw dropped. "I told you something was going in there, but damn, how was he getting away with it, his wife was super nosy and could sniff bullshit from a mile away like a jewish blood hound." I asserted and we all burst out laughing.

"She finally caught him, he's still recovering from damage sustained." Lincoln exclaimed and I was proud of Grant's wife "She is fire, I would have run him over with that truck." I exclaimed as Lincoln parked in the drive way. "Who said she didn't." Saint replies and I'm in awe. "Bossss." We both say in unison as I welcome them into my temporary home.

I showered for two hours whilst everyone got settled in, I knew their flight hadn't been that long and like me came with a private jet, they didn't have jet lag but would still be a little tired, it was better they settled in. "Poppy, late lunch!" Lincoln called out, his deep baritone echoing in the house, it made me miss my husband, how I wanted to be with him, only a few things to settle then I will be back in his arms, I couldn't wait for that moment, we had late lunch, Saint's food was amazing as always. "So —." I began as we sat in the backyard, a mini picnic with several bottles of champagne, I was going to start, at the beginning.



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