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She won't wake up nor budge away from the couch. Her tiny figure that had been curled into a ball make the male frowned. He read at the internet that's saying whenever a cat curled into a ball and won't even budge a limb meaning that they're protecting themselves

But what's (y/n) protect herself from-?

Suddenly, she squirm furiously as her frown deeper "Stop..." Her roase voice make him approach her slowly. Seeing her frown plus sweating state make him stare at her longer. "Please... Don't hit me... Sorry.." She mumbles as she use her arm to cover her head as if someone is going to hit her on her head

Hanma reach for her arm and try to snatch it away "STOP-!!" she raised her voice and pull away her arm from his grip, making him jolt upon seeing her reaction when he try to pull away her arm away from her head. She finally wide awake but she doesn't want to see his worried state to be the first thing she see when she wake up. "I.. I'm going to take a shower" she walk past him as she entered the bathroom.

Sliding down the door, she pull away her sleeves and saw a lot of scars, bruised that she received when she was a cat

"That's the cat-!!" An old man shout upon seeing me. He's carrying a bat and without a warning, he swing it and it hit my head really hard, making me back away a little right after he hit me on the head. "You thief-! How dare you steal my fish-!" He hit me again and this time, he hold my body to prevent me from run away

I'm sorry

I'm sorry for stealing your fish

I was hungry

My owner didn't want me when he finally have someone else in his life

Please forgive me

I'm sorry

Please stop

It's hurt

When he finally felt satisfied enough, he left. I try to stand up but to my futile, my leg was broken. One of it, my right front leg was broken by the impact of the bat. I walk and jump at the same time since one of my leg was broken and i stop walking once i arrived at a certain park

Where the first time i met the tall lanky male

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