- Final

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"The surgery is complete" all of the doctors sigh in relief when their surgery is successful. Sliding down to the floor, one of the doctor stare blankly to the floor, making one of her friend notice her blank stare toward the floor "What's wrong-?" The girl shake her head and grip her clothes a little. "I felt guilty for doing this" the other doctor who heard her words silently cursed under their breath but they stopped once one of them say

"It's her own choice. We can't stop her. We need to respect her decision"

With that, all of the doctor exit the surgery room, leaving the male all alone with a male doctor. That doctor is the one who (y/n) told him about resolution on how to cure hanma's wounded heart. "You're really lucky to have her" the doctor mumble

"Please give him my heart even though i would be dead afterwards. I don't mind-!"

"(Y/n)..." He mumble her name upon opening his eyes for the first time after a week of sleeping. The doctor that is inside his room glance at him and smile "you finally awake" hanma glanced at the doctor "where is (y/n)"

He ask and the doctor point his finger toward the table that have a pot of white flower. Beside the pot, there is a letter. The doctor leaved him alone once he open the letter

"Dear hanma shuji,
I see you finally awake-! I'm glad you're alive and healthy. But you know, i can't see you right now. Don't search for me please. I'm begging for you, please don't cry. I want you to be happy. I have gave you my heart, isn't that enough to make you happy-?
I'm sorry because i couldn't get married with you and have a lot of kids.
I really want to go on a lot of dates with you. Stargazing, picnic, ride your car during night... There are a lot of things that i wanted to do together with you.

Unfortunately, i need to go first. I'll be waiting for you here but please don't kill yourself. Your heart are also mine, that's mean I'm still with you, right-?

Hey, shuji. If you believe in reincarnation. I hope we could fall in love all over again when i reincarnated as a cat..? Maybe an insect-?

Shuji my dear, i loved you so much that i decided to give you my heart. No words could describe my love for you but what could i say is

"Thanks for saving me on that rainy days"

Hanma (Y/n)

A drop of tears roll down his cheeks as he wiped it away. "How am i supposed to not cry... Idiot"


"It's raining again" he mumble as he forgot to bring his umbrella for today. "We'll be going first, hanma-!" A girl in a school uniform shout as she met her parents. The boy wave at her and decided to run toward his home when it's already raining this heavy

"Hope mom doesn't worry about me-!" He say as he sprinted toward his house faster than before, but his step halt upon heard a certain noise coming from the side of the street



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