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"Did i make a cat fall in love with me-?" He mumbled and chuckled afterwards. His assistant give him a glance as she hummed. "Hanma, you getting weirder nowadays" she said as she gather all of those documents

"Shut up. I'm in love" he say as he smiled. "Lucky for you then" his assistant, ayaka or should we call her as ayano's younger sister smile when she knew that her boss finally fall in love. Even though ayaka want him to fall in love with her instead, she can't do anything if he didn't want to fall in love with her.

"This is police. Drop your weapon or i would shoot" a loud anoucement erupted from the downstairs of the buildings, making hanma and ayaka glanced at each other as they took out their weapon.

When ayaka stepped outside of the office, she had been shot right through her abdomen, making her fall to the floor. "Hanma, run-!!" She shout toward her boss but before he could ran away, a bullet pierced through his heart, making him stop breathing just for a few minutes. Somehow, miracle happened and he managed to ran away while bullet was stuck inside his heart

"How was he, doctor-?" The doctor stare at the unconscious male who already turned pale. "He can be awake just for a few hours and it would be the end" the doctor shake his head.

When the doctor want to exit the room, (y/n) hold his wrist and told him a resolution for hanma's treatment

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