night drive

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"Babe you've been driving for almost five hours now, you sure you don't want me to take over for a little bit?"

I stare at Pete who was driving down the dark highways, headlight from other cars as they passed, flashing perfectly across his face.

He was tired. I could tell. But he was also stubborn. He would rather drive for another 10 hours to let me sleep then getting the rest that he so rightly deserved.

"No it's okay, I'm all good." He says with a tired smile trying his best to come off as otherwise.

"Pete..." I say dragging out his name. He knew I could tell he was dying for some rest.

"I promise you I'm fine, just go to sleep we only have a couple more hours left until we make it back home." He says to me, glancing between me and the road as he strokes my hair softly.

"So god damn stubborn." I mumble making sure I was loud enough to where he could hear me.

He only chuckled softly and in defeat I lie my chair as far back as it will go trying to make myself as comfortable as possible.

I place the pillow I had brought with me under my head and snuggle into the blanket I had for warmth.

"Night angel." He whispers softly.


I wake up to the sound of the car stopping. Stretching out my body, I bring my chair back up to its original form and see we are stopped at a gas station.

Looking over to the drivers side, I can see Pete standing outside with his hood up as he waits to take the gas pump out from the car.

He leans against the large filling station, his eyes closed, head tilted back. This man needed sleep or else we were bound to get into an accident.

Sighing, I pull off the blanket that was wrapped tightly around me throwing it in the back seats, pulling the hood of Pete's gray sweatshirt I was wearing over my head.

I swing open the passenger side door, stepping out onto the concrete. My legs ached from not being used in hours.

Looking back towards Pete, his eyes were still closed. I wouldn't be surprised if he had actually fallen asleep standing there.

The brisk night air nipped at my face, causing me to shiver and cross my arms over my chest to try and stay warm.

Walking over to where Pete was standing, or should I say sleeping, I take the gas pump out of the car seeing it had stopped and placing it back in its holder.

The noise alone causing Pete to jump awake. I struggle to keep myself from laughing as he groans and rubs his eyes.

"Jesus you scared me." He says placing a hand on my shoulder.

I laugh at him.

"What are you doing out here, needed to pee or something?" He asks me now leaning against the car.

"No actually, I'm driving the rest of the way home." I say with a serious tone knowing I meant it.

"I already told you I'm fine, you need to sleep." He says back to me placing both hands on my shoulders and rubbing them soothingly.

I smile softly at how sweet he was being.

"Pete babe you've driving for almost 7 hours straight, you need to get some rest or else I'm worried we're going to get in an accident." I say to him laughing at the last part to ease the tension I could sense rising.

He sighs looking down at his sneakers, taking his hands away from my shoulders and placing them back down at his side.

"Your to fucking good to me." He says looking up at me.

"Trust me, your a lot better to me then I am to you." I say laughing.

"I love you." He says quietly

"I love you to Pete." I say leaning in to place a soft kiss on his lips.


I say pulling away and pushing him to the side, away from the drivers side door.

"I'm running on a couple hours of mediocre sleep, so go sit while I drive the rest of the way." Opening the drivers side door, I climb into the seat turning the car back on.

"Yes mam." He jokes before I close my door.

I can't help but laugh at his child like behavior, my eyes watching his every move as he walks around the front of the car and into the passenger seat.

He lays the seat all the way back down like I had done just moments before, wrapping his arms around his chest to make himself comfortable.

"Here have this." I say reaching over to the back seats where I had thrown the blanket I had just been using and gently placing it on Pete's lap.

"I wondered what you'd done with this." He says acting all smart ass and snuggling into the blanket that was to small for his tall stature.

"Alright shut up so I can focus on driving." I say sarcastically as I pull out of the gas station and back onto the fairly empty highway.

"Shh I'm trying to sleep." My eyes glance his way and I can see he has his finger up to his lips telling me to be quiet.

Knowing I had taken notice to his actions he rolls his eyes playfully, moving around in the seat until feeling some what remotely comfortable.

I take a mental image of him sleeping. He was just to damn cute.

Laughing, I turn on some soft music.

"Okay... goodnight angel." I say chucking softly as I start to notice him drifting off into much needed sleep.

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