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"I'm not gonna lie... I've been missing the blonde hair recently." I say to Pete as he rests his head on my chest, running a hand through his thick brown hair.

"You know I've been kinda missing it to." He says continuing to stare at the tv screen as we lie in bed even after waking up hours ago.

"Maybe we should dye it then?" I say somewhat joking but also being serious.

He laughs then lifts his head off of my chest to turn and look at at me.

"Sure why not?" He says shrugging

"Wait for real? Like your down?" I ask not sure if he was being serious or not.

"Yeah I don't give a fuck." He says laughing and climbing out of bed grabbing his sweatshirt from the floor and swiftly pulling it on.

I watch him not noticing his arm stretched out to help me get up.

"Caught ya staring." He smirks

I shake my head not noticing I had been caught in the act and blush.

"Shut up." I say laughing softly and gripping onto his large hand so he could pull me up.

I stumble and land into his chest.

"Your gonna look so hot." I whisper as I look up into his eyes.

"You think?" His eyebrows show a questioning look.

"Oh I fucking know." I say confidently, smiling.

He smirks and laughs pushing me off of his chest.

"Alright hurry up and get ready the longer it takes to dye my hair, the longer I have to wait to..." his sentence trails off and I look behind my shoulder as I walk over to my closet wondering why he stopped.

"The longer you have to wait until what?" I ask innocently, though I knew exactly what he meant.

I turn back to the wide variety of clothes hanging up and folded. I smirk knowing Pete couldn't see my face.

I hear his heavy footsteps near me and I stay frozen waiting for his next move.

"I think you know what I mean."

Shivers are sent down my spine as he whispers, his lips close to my ear. I bite my bottom lip, mesmerized by his words.

He smacks my ass playfully before exiting the bedroom leaving me to be alone. The things this man could do to me.


"Okay which one do you want to get?" I ask Pete as he follows me into the hair care aisle of CVS where all of the generic box dyes were.

"I don't fucking know who do I look like to you?" He jokes, nudging my shoulder with his as we stand next to one another scanning the shelves.

"Not a fucking hair professional." I say laughing quietly.

He laughs with me and starts to walk around the aisle, trying to find a hair dye that would fit his blonde hair needs.

I take different boxes in my hands reading the instructions, what color it would end up looking like, and so on so forth.

Lord knows if we do this wrong Pete could end up with fucking green hair. A color I have yet to see on him. So maybe it might not be all to bad.

"Ooo how bout this one?" He says excitedly like a little kid seeing a toy he's wanted forever.

He walked back over to where I was standing, holding a black colored box with a cheesy male model on the front, his dyed blonde hair slicked back with to much gel.

"Works for me." I say simply, taking the box in my hands.


With that we rush to self checkout, buying the hair dye and a couple of random snacks Pete and I wanted.

We leave the store, CVS store bag in hand, a successful trip behind us.


Pete meets me in the bathroom, after getting off a 30 minute work call. I had everything set up, ready for me to dye his hair.

"Sorry that took so long, Lorne wouldn't shut the fuck up!" Pete says to me as he enters the bathroom, slipping his phone into his back pocket.

"What if he heard you say that shit!?" I laugh as he takes a seat on the stool I had brought for him to sit on.

"Please everyone knows I'm his favorite, no matter what I said about him, he could never her rid of me."

I roll my eyes at Pete's sudden ego.

"Whatever you say superstar."

He scoffs, then laughs at my nickname for him.

"Superstar? The fuck that came from?" He asks still laughing

"Come on now, you are one." I say as I pull on a pair of clear disposable gloves.

"Yeah okay tell that to everyone on the internet."

"Oh my god you can't be serious Pete! Everyone on social media is in love with you." I say

"Yeah well I wouldn't know." He says watching me through the mirror.

"Good cause honestly some of the things I see..."

He looks back at me with raised eyebrows. Instead of answering I turn his head back around to face forward so I can't start dying his hair.

"You ever done this before?" He asks me as I mix the dye in a plastic bowl, making sure to get a good amount of the dye on the brush.

"Nope." I say with a wide smile.

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