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*stop because this is probs my fav one I've written so far


He had always been a stranger to me. The same stranger I saw every night when I stood on the rooftop of my apartment building, admiring all of the bright stars in the sky.

We had never spoke to one another. Simply and silently acknowledging one another as we both watched the night sky.

It was always to dark to actually see him. What he looked like or what his noticeable features were. The only thing I did know was that he was tall.

I imagined myself standing next to him, hands holding onto the thick cement edge of the building, softly laughing at the height difference between us.

I would imagine him smiling at me and ask why I was laughing and I would simply say, "I'm just so much shorter than you."

His smile would grow bigger as he chuckled at my response saying, "yeah but it's cute."

The thought alone making me want him to hold me in his arms and never let me go. I then pictured him lighting one of the many cigarettes he smoked, the bright orange flame entrancing me.

He would take a hit and pass it to me, I would try refusing saying "you know I don't smoke" but he would playfully roll his eyes, bringing the cigarette closer to my lips.

"You say that everytime."

I would now roll my eyes at him even though he was obviously right. My delicate hand would take the cigarette from his long slender fingers, my lips wrapping around the cigarette as I let the smoke travel deep through my body, seeping into my lungs.

He would laugh at me as I would start to cough seeing as I didn't smoke often, only when we were up here looking at the shimmering stars.

We then would stand in silence, taking in the scene around us. The smoke from the cigarette traveling upwards in fascinating swirls and spirals.

My head would rest on his shoulder, my eyes would sparkle showing anyone the amount of contentment I was feeling. I was happy.

When his cigarette would go out, I knew our night was coming to an end. My head would lift off of his shoulder, and I would watch as he threw the cigarette on the the ground and stub it out with one of his dirty sneakers.

He would look up at me, taking just a second to admire me and really get a good look at the stunning girl he was standing next to. A small smile would form on his lips as he would reach out his hand for mine to grab onto.

Our hands would fit perfectly together. Like they were always meant to be held. They would swing back and forth as we would walk towards the exit door, quietly going down the metal stairs until reaching the floor our apartment was on.

My feet and mind carried me to the apartment door, the location becoming like a second nature to me that not even for a second, I was having to stop and think about where it was.

Our hands would disconnect as he searched through his back pocket for the door keys. The sound of the multiple keys jingling on the silver key ring would be a sound I would grow to love.

The white door to our apartment would unlock, and being the gentleman that he was, would step aside, letting me in first.

I would always laugh at his trying manners when in reality I could care less who walks into a room first.

The sound of the door closing behind me, echoing through my ears as I would slip my shoes off, placing them next to his own and walking into the bedroom. Our bedroom.

His footsteps could be heard as he would follow behind me and as I proceeded to strip of my clothes, he would flop down onto the bed that would be covered in a cloud like feeling comforter.

I would feel his stare on me as I would put on one of his t-shirts to sleep in. Knowing just how much he loved when I wore any clothing item of his.

A sly smirk would play on my lips as I would catch him in the act of admiration. He would only continue to stare harder.

I would find myself sitting on his lap, my hands tracing down his perfect face and chest that would still be covered by a sweatshirt.

His eyes would only follow my actions, no words coming from his lips as he watched me praise his body.

The feeling of his hands grabbing onto my hips, would cause my breath to hitch. Our eyes would never look away from one another's.

As seconds would tick by, the feeling of love and lust would surround us filling our bodies as we remained still.

Then finally, our lips would become just centimeters apart. His breath making my lips tingle, just before they eagerly met my own. Our bodies moved together perfectly as the fire in both of us danced together.

But then my eyes would began to refocus...

The dark night sky would come back into view and his tall silhouette that was multiple feet away from me was now noticed.

My mind and body aches for him as I sit on the cold cement of the large rooftop. While he was standing by the edge in silence smoking a cigarette as his eyes were lit up by every star. Just like how it was every night.

Long minutes passed as my eyes never lost sight of him. With the millions of stars in the sky, the only thing I could see was him.

His cigarette had burned out. Throwing it to the ground, the sound of his foot stomping it echoed through the quiet environment.

A frown appeared on my face as I knew he was leaving. His heavy footsteps led him towards the door. But before he could, he finally seemed to acknowledge me, a tired smile on his gorgeous lips.

The full moon shined bright tonight. Allowing me to get a good look at his face. His jawline was sharp and his hair was a dark brown that was messed up but in a sexy way.

He was perfect. Just like I had always imagined him to be.

His eyes left mine as he began to walk back towards the exit. The door swung open but just before he slipped away, I heard his gentle low voice speak into the night.

"Night... see you tomorrow."

pete davidson imagines Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum