get me out

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He was asleep. Finally. I had been planning my escape for weeks now, but it was never the perfect time. Until now.

His snoring was the only thing heard as I carefully unwrapped myself from the covers and climbed quietly out of the bed.

As I stood above his sleeping body, all I felt was regret. Regret that I trusted him, regret that I let him take advantage of me for so long, and regret that I didn't stick up for myself.

But now, all I could do was escape and forget all the mind fucking memories.

I knew he tended to be a light sleeper, so I needed to move as quickly as possible. My bad was already packed.

Leaving the bedroom where I would hopefully never step foot in again, I tip toe into the living room where my duffel bag was hid behind the couch.

My arm stretched behind the couch until I felt the straps of the bag. Pulling it slowly, I threw it across my shoulder.

Stepping towards the front door I slid on my sneakers, the ones I've had sense the relationship started.

Taking my phone from my back pocket, I looked at the time. It was the middle of the night, the one and only time I could leave this hell.

Being paranoid, I turned my head over my shoulder making sure he wasn't suddenly behind me ready to strike.

My spine shuddered as I pulled my hoodie over my shoulders, preparing for the cold weather of the outside.

I sighed. Something deep inside of me told me to not open the door. But I knew that was my anxiety trying to fuck me over.

I unlocked the front door quietly, the one that had been slammed shut so many times before that I could hear the sound replaying in my mind.

Stepping out into the darkness, it felt like I could breath clearly for the first time. I closed the door behind me, taking cautious steps down the white porch where the paint was chipping away.

I ran, ran away from the house and down the street where I knew there was a stop sign. It was time to make the call.

Putting my phone up to my ear, I listened for the ringing as my feet continued to carry my down the dark neighborhood.


His voice was clear and loud, expecting the words that were to come from my mouth.

"I'm out... come get me." I whispered into the phone line as I became breathless and neared the stop sign where his car would soon be.

"Already on my way."

"Thank you Pete." I say

"No need." He says before he hangs up. That means he was seconds away.

I bit my nails anxiously, waiting for his car to come around the corner. Constantly looking over my shoulder in case he had been following me.

Headlights come into my peripheral vision. I clutched my bag tighter as the gray vehicle whipped around the corner stopping on the side where I was standing.

The passenger side window rolled down, letting me know I was safe and it was him.

"Thank God." I mumbled and rushed towards the car, throwing myself into the passenger seat.

"Before you say anything, get out of this fucking neighborhood."

Pete stays silent, turning into a random houses driveway so he could enter the road correctly. He paid no attention to the stop sign and simply drove threw it. I was in to much of a panic to care.

"Go into the church parking lot." I say pointing towards the smaller church that was on the road we were driving on.

Turning into the entrance, he made sure to park to the side of the building to hide the vehicle from any suspecting people.

The car was turned off and Pete turned to look at me.

"Everything go as planned?" He asks me

I stare out in front of me and nod.

"Yeah he was asleep the whole time."

"You okay?"

Now, I turn my head to look him the eyes, only lasting for a second before it became to overwhelming and I looked down at my lap.

"I don't know I feel kinda... numb." Shrugging my shoulders, I stare down at my now dirt ridden sneakers from running through the front yards of houses.

"You're okay now. I promise you're safe with me." He says gently placing a large hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks for getting me out. I feel like a fucking idiot for waiting so long to leave him."

"Idiot? You could never be. He's the fucking idiot for treating you the way he did." He says

"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't believe you when you told me you had a bad feeling about him. I should have trusted you. I should have always trusted you." I say taking a glance at his face.

"Forget about all of that. I always said I would be here to protect you." He says to me, lightly pushing my head down to rest on his shoulder.

"Ever since that bitch Rylie pushed me off the monkey bars in 4th grade." I smile at the memory.

Ever since then he had stayed true to his word.

His soft chuckles cause my heart to flutter knowing I was finally safe and away from the monster. I will never forgive myself for letting him into my life.

"What now?" I say closing my eyes

"Whatever you want." He whispers, and I could hear the smile on his face.

I thought for a moment. What did I want? For years I had never been asked what I wanted. It was always what he wanted and when. This was new for me and I wasn't sure where to start.

"Maybe just some sleep. Some much needed sleep." I say taking my head off of Pete's shoulder and looking into his eyes.

"Okay, lets bring you home." He said with a soft smile. A smile that could brighten anyones day.

I giggled quietly and listened as he drove out of the parking lot and back on to the roads. A smile was stuck on my face. A smile I didn't recognize as my own.


"Hmmm?" He hums glancing towards me and back at the road.

"I already am home."

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