Clowning around Chase X Reader

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(The picture above is a cosplay of the joker, sorry he's the closes thing I could find to what chaser looks like)
Tw: Masochism, Sadism, Blood kink, Clown kink, Mdom

Word count-6410

" Ughhhh this stupid fucking bus ride is taking forever,I can't believe we drove 2 and a half whole hours just for some stupid carnival".You were only here because you had art block stopping you from creating your latest design for alternative wear.You attended "Rope Bunny University of fashion and design" yeah the school lives up to it's name,it was fun for the most part seeing as you always had an eye for fashion but your brain decide to take a vacation mid semester.

"Jesus fucking christ" "Language!" Sighed one of your closest friends Roslyn. "I feel like the ride is gonna be worth it as soon as that nostalgia hits". "I haven't been to one of these things in over 10 years". "I remember all the exciting things about it,the attractions,the rides,candy apples,COTTON CANDY!,GAMES!,CLOWNS!...well maybe not that,but c'mon gurl the list goes on and on"

I mean she wasn't wrong, especially about the clown thing.Ever since you were a kid you've been a huge wuss towards clown, they've always freaked you out. Even so one of your fonder memories were the carnival. You, mom, dad and your little bro would all the time go to the carnival and play TONS of games,eat a fuck ton of fried shit and sugar,and ride ride, countless rides,your little brain couldn't even keep up.But as you were walking towards the darts to win a near to death gold fish that would die in about a week tops you had gotten a chance to gaze upon the scariest living thing little you has ever seen, a clown. You screamed so loud that everything that you had previously eaten came flying up faster then you shoved it down.It was a whole ass mess,but being that young and naive was great and it made a perfect memory. You never let your gard down for the rest of that summer though. Even now you feel it is necessary to be in high alert.

While you were reminiscing you heard the big yellow vehicle pull to a screechy stop and everyone let out a exhausted breath.As soon as the bus door came swinging open everyone hurried to get out,desperate to move and stretch their limbs. Roslyn grabbed your arm and pulled you towards your shared friend group excited to get the festivities started. "OOOH LETS GO GET ON THAT SPINNY THING". "can we go get Carmel corn" "GUYS LETS GO PET THE PONIES". "Guuuuys theirs a guy doing a 5 for a dollars deal on the darts!!! I WANT A BIG ASS TEDDY BEARR!!!".Eventually you guys tuckered out and after all that exploring,was ready to settle down in one place for a while.

Finally you got A chance to check out the place that peaked your interest since you got here. There stood a tent plastered with yellow and red stripes. You couldn't help but get drawn to the bright and festive colors. You go inside and are immediately lured in by circus music and the sound of multiple voices chatting and laughing. your feelings mostly confused,you still hurried into the tent with excitement.At the entrance stood a 6ft3 tall man, face covered in ghostly white paint, lips covered in cherry red lipstick that curved upwards into a smile high on his cheeks, and messily done eyeliner to complete the look of a typical circus clown. He stood there smiling huskily at the people walking in the tent.You gulp gallons of saliva down your throat scared of the man with messily slicked back dyed blue hair. Roslyn and the rest of your friends passed ahead of you first, finding it humourous that you were scared shitless at something so commonly seen at a circus. "Yo, dude are you feeling ok?,you dont have to come in if you dont want to we'll find something el-". "No-Roslyn it's fine,I'm ok just give me a second to gather myself".
"oooh y/n is scared of the big bad clown mannn oooh,he's gonna eat you up ohhh nooo" "dude c'mon y/n don't be a pussy" "cmon girl, we'll be finnne" heckled your other friends as they walked into the tent,their figures becoming smaller as they walked further and further in,soon leaving you at the entrance to face your doom.

The husky clown wearing bright red lipstick,striped pants,suspenders and,bulky clown shoes look down the entranceway and focused his attention on you flashing a menacing, deep smile making your warmth throb. You didn't put much thought into it since you were scared and passed it off as butterfly's. As you walked closer and closer his eyes tracked your every move,tracing your body with his eyes until eventually you stood right before him. "that'll be 5.45 sweetheart". Stated the overwhelming tall stranger."Y-ye yes of course". You stuttered out trying hard to avoid eye contact as you fumbled through your pockets, looking for cash. "thanks dollface~". Thanked the clown slightly cupping your hand as he grabbed the money, winking at you, your heat throbbed once more. You rush forward trying to get out of the scarily confusing situation just trying to find your friends. "Y/N YOU'RE OKAY! " Roslyn yelled waving at you so you knew where to sit. "Just in time for the show too, it's about to start!". she squealed excitedly clapping her hands like a child who just received a toy. Almost on cue the tent entrance closed dimming the sun, and engulfing the tent in darkness. An array of colored lights began to circle around the tent flashing green, blue, red and yellow. "LADY'S ANDDD GENTLEMEN,FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT TODAY ,AN INTERESTING GROUP OF FELLOWS...OR AT THE VERY LEAST I FIND THEM INTERESTING ...CHASER AND HIS BOZOSSS!!!!". As you started to cheer and smile all of it came to an end when you realized the clown from the door was cackling maniacally as he ran on the stage with his crew of more clowns."ohh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck".

I thought it was hot,so it's now a smut Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin