(Gotham)Edward Nygma X Reader part 1

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I sperate Edward and the Riddler as 2 different people but in the same body,so in this smut it'll kinda be like fucking 2 separate people but they're In the same body. Also I'm making this a multiple chapter thing because I love Ed so muchhh, I think I'm gonna make this a separate book as well if it gets enough attention on here.

Word Count -4437
Tw: public play, male solo, degradation kink

"Ugh god I'm so fucking nervous" you think to yourself as you frantically run around your house throwing things into your bag for your first day of work as a forensics science technician for the L.A
P.D.You just moved to Gotham for a wider span of job opportunities...and you heard they get payed more due to the crazy shit that goes down in Gotham,but hey, you're not one to judge.
As you throw an apple in your bag you slip on your black flats,grab your keys,a pocket knife and slip out the door locking it shortly after,checking it a few times to make extra sure your apartment is secure.You rush down the stairs and book it to the bus station not having time for your morning coffee seeing as how you were already late and had a good chance of missing the bus.

You swiftly hop over the bus pass check in,not giving a shit if you paid or not, barely catching the bus as it just got there,lucky you,but this wasn't unlike any typical morning,rushing frantically and hurrying up to catch the bus that is,but this time you actually HAD to make it somewhere on specific time or your lazy ass would get fired.You sat down at the back of the bus where you're least noticeable.Sighing in relief you put in your earbuds and start blasting the shit out of your eardrums.Usually it'd be a true crime documentary but you needed a pick me up from your drowsyness

You don't know why but you've always been interested in efficient ways to murder and perfect ways to hide the bodys.It was all so interesting to you,not in a creepy,weird psycho way but in a curious,knowledge hungry way so you decided to go to college for it,And now it's your profession.as you lost yourself in your music a gross looking man in ripped up jeans,2 bottom lip piercings, greasy long hair that went to about shoulder length,and eye bags for days walks up to you. "Oh? What's a rose like you doing in a concrete jungle of a city like this?" Ask the stranger with a flirty yet sinister tone."work" you reply taking out your earbud for the short reply and putting it back in ."where" asked the stranger sizing you up and down like you were a piece of meat at a deli.you sit back,cross your legs and raise your eyebrow at the stranger.He was disturbing your peace and wasting your time with his foolishness."isn't that a biiit,i don't know...personal?,and why are you asking me all of these questions" you reply looking through your eyebrows with disgust at the stranger."just wanna get to know the lady I'm gonna FUCK tonight,yknow,don't wanna be rude"the tall stranger says with a smile as he plops down next to you, putting his arm around you and moving closer.Admitedly you were a little scared,If he decided to hurt you,rape you,do ANYTHING to you nobody would even bat an eye,this was gotham,anything said go...anything said goes.You remembered you grabbed your blade on your way out the house this morning!If he can assault you,then him getting a little scared is justified.you smile at him and start to turn facing him, pushing your tits together and trying to be as flattering as possible to hide the fact you were reaching in your bag."well someone's being cooperative suddenly" he laughs as he puts his hand on your thigh and start to stroke the inside."yeah well I havnt been fucked good in a minute so I'm probably-"and before you could finish your sentence,the silver blade you packed this morning was pointed at his jugular,nearly piercing skin,and your smile quickly reduced to a grimace."touch me a-fucking gain-and I promise you I'll cut your throat up so fucking good your body will be able to be played like an accordion-"

the second you finish your sentence,a pair of legs that were styled in a tan/brown suit stood in front of you protectively "c'mon tough guy,she said she wasn't interested in you,and I would hate to see this turn violent" groaned the familiar voice of the notorious detective Jim Gordon."And? Who tf asked you what you wanted to see?" Stuttered out the very obviously shaken weirdo,obviously trying to regain his dominance by being violent,standing up and getting in the detectives face."this guy asked" muttered Jim with an annoyed and burdened tone holding up his badge and loudly saying "L.A.P.D please just walk away,would hate to have to carry you all the way to the station".The stranger stoped in his tracks,hatred plastered on his face,upset nothing turned out in his favor.He stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds still trying to act dominant like he would get his way but eventually cowarding away bumping shoulders with Jim and spilling is coffee on the bus floor."gah,what a fucking asshole". Jim states shaking his hands to get the coffee off."here I gotcha"you stutter as you pull a couple wet wipes out of your bag and hand it to your savior.Though you liked to study the outcome of bad situations you didjt like being in them and if anything violence was actually really scary to you."Thanks" Jim says as he wipes his hands clean,clearly not amused by the strangers childish actions."let me escort you to where you need to go miss,make sure that guy doesn't come back or smite you" laughs the detective as the bus comes to a holt at your stop."thank you detective,I'm actually a bit shaken up by all of it,so I do appreciate it" you smiled as both of you exit the bus,and start heading to your destination."so,I haven't seen you around here before,or am I just really bad at observing things" Jim chuckles as he waits for you to reply."yeah no, you're right,I just moved here for work".You reply as you start to dig through your bag looking for something."you WILLINGLY moved to Gotham?!?!" Jim asks clearly confused as to why you would want to live in this dump of a city."Welp the jobs pay good and rent is cheap" you shrug as you finally find what you were looking for,popping it in your mouth lighting it on fire and taking a looong drag.You hate to admit it but smoking helped you keep calm and collected in stressful situations,not saying you're an addict of anything but you should probably stop ."can't say you're wrong about that".Sighs Jim,knowing too well how bad this city is and why the rent was so cheap and jobs payed more.if living and working was that hard of a task to do here.then rent better be cheap and you better be getting bank.you take the cig out of your mouth and hand it to Jim,who nodded in appreciation and took the smoke,drawing a looong line from the stick.He put his head back and breathed out the smoke,raking his hands through his hair and fixing it.Hot.You walk down the street and turn the corner as Jim realized you're walking the way to the police station.you two finally get to the building and enter,immediately the place is loud and full of life, people rushing around to file reports,criminals yelling and spitting as there locked up in the holding cell and phones ringing every few seconds reporting a crime.You breathe in and start to smile as you take in the atmosphere of the place.you've been dreaming of this day since freshman year of high school and here you are now, actually fulfilling that dream.you thank Jim and break off from him in order to go to the captains office for further instructions.not gonna lie it's a bit nerve wreaking being fresh meat and walking straight into the station like this,you felt like all eyes were on you,but it was fine,you strutted with your head up like you were important and needed to be there.you knock on the captains door and are immediately granted permission to enter,you were comforted as you opened the door to see a women's face sitting at the desk smiling and presumably waiting for you.You liked when women were in charge of jobs that were seen as masculine or jobs that men say woman can't have because they're too soft,femanine and fragile and those jobs needed tough men who wouldn't crack under pressure."ahhh Ms.L/N I've been waiting for you to get here,sorry it's a bit rowdy but you'll get used to it in no time and where your working the people are super nice and well mannered so don't worry" the captain reassured you as she called Jim into her office.He peeped into the office and asked what she needed."this is Ms.L/N please show her to the forensics team and lab she is one of our new forensic science technicians,she will be working with Ed as his protege,nothing personal,and I know you're confident in your skills and I'm sure you're really good at what you do,but im needing you to study under him for a little bit so you're sure what to do,ok?"."yes ma'am",you bid your goodbyes and followed Jim to the forensics section "wooow you didn't tell me you were a fancy shmancy forensist on our little walk this morning" Jim commented as he lead you to your destination "I wanted to surprise you a bit,it wouldn't be fun if you knew who I were" you snickered as Jim gave you a sour face for not fessing up earlier. "Alright here we are" Jim said as he opened the door for you,letting him self in shortly after you "this is the forensics- JESUS" and before Jim could even say another word a tall,cute,brunette with glasses popped up out of nowhere with a wide grin on his face."Hello Ms.L/N" Ed turns to Jim nodding at him as a greeting."i knew we were getting a new team mate today and I just couldn't contain myself!!!" Ed said as he excitedly waved his hands jazz hands style.Jim whispered in your ear "Ed's a bit odd but he's kind hearted and quick witted as hell so you'll be fine" you nod your head and extend your arm "so,I know you know my name,what's yours?" you say as you smile at him patiently waiting for a reply."my name is Edward Nygma" Ed says as he grabs your hand and shake it firmly."oh what a lovely name" you reply smiling and letting go of his hand,"thanks" "compliments are always welcome,say Ms.L/N-" "please call me Y/N" you chime in "we don't have to be so formal I can tell we're gonna be GREAT friends".You say staring down Ed trying to fill him out"Say Y/N do you like riddles?" Asked Ed with a shit eating smirk on his face "oh goood I'm out"groaned Jim,exiting the lab and vanishing before Ed could finish."I do actually,it's just none are really a surprise for me,I always get them right" you sigh over confidently as you watch Ed's eyebrow raise in a mischievous way. "Oh?" Questioned Ed "alright Y/N,all throughout the day I let anyone who wants to,go down on me,I let them go in and out as much as they want,what am I?".You stare at Ed in utter shock and flusteredness."I- I" you choke out as you try to phrase your answer to be more... appropriate."I'm I'm not sure if I can say" Ed looks at you with a grin and a innocent look that you know is bullshit. "It's an elevator Y/N,it's goes down,and people go in and out?,tch and you were boasting about how quick witted you are".smirked Ed as he starts to walk forward,stopping to let you catch up "what an asshole" just from the measily 5 minutes you talked to him you could tell he was a cocky,smartass,teachers pet type and you did NOT like it.Ed leads you to the back where a red head wearing a long green skirt,really cute pumps,and glasses was sitting at a desk quietly humming to herself.she was very pretty you thought as you looked up at Ed's face to see a sparkle in his eye and a slight rosey color over his face.You think he thinks she's pretty too."Good morning Ms.kringal" Ed says slightly scaring the women filling out papers at her desk."oh- good mornings Ed...and who is this?" She asks turning her red stained lips into a friendly smile."hi I'm Y/-" before you could introduce yourself Ed interrupts and does it for you.As you're looking at Ed with pure annoyance,Ms.kringal introduces herself and grabs your hands in excitement "you must be the new forensist Ed was talking about!" She states with an eager look on her face "Welcome!,everyone here is super nice and welcoming if you need help just ask me,there's really no I in team is there?" She asks as she hands you a basket with goodies and a weird thing wrapped in wrapping paper in it.You go to open it but she swats your hand and holds a finger up to her mouth,gesturing for you to to stay quiet with a wink."OH- and call me Kristen please,I hate stuffy,formal work environments,yknow?" "Oh definitely,anyways bye Kristen I should probs get to work before I'm fired on my first day".You say as you wave and exit the room with Ed next to you."Sooo you're fond of Kristen huh?" You ask giving the cocky scientist shit for being an asshole earlier,blush flutters it's way into his cheeks, clearing his throat in embarrassment."I have no idea what your talking about,making those kinds of assumptions in a work place is unprofessional,and inappropria-" "it's fiiine I won't tell" you laughed as you're escorted to your working place,"alright Y/N,ive been told by the chief that you are now under me and I will be your mentor.I will assign your tasks and work for you,from now until your training is done you work under me,understand?" Ed questions as he flops a thick file on your desk for you to look over "Cool" you reply sitting down at your new desk and looking up at Ed not liking how he phrased what he said,"y'know you can stand to be a little nicer to your NEW coworker Ed".You scoff as you log into your desktop and start setting up everything "sure but I don't see the benefit of being fake" "I'm not fond of beating around the bush,I want things done quickly and efficiently,so that means no feelings should hender anything.Not even my speech" states Ed with a cocked eyebrow briefly looking away from his clip bored and hastily looking back at it to resume what he were writing."Tch yeah whatever dick head,can you leave my desk so I can get to work?" You ask annoyed "No problem". Surprisingly the stuff he gave you was pretty easy to manage.Ed was a hard worker no doubting that but something about him rubbed you the wrong way.Its always the goody-2-shoes that have something to hide.Who are you kidding? You had no real reason to dislike Ed except your own personal vendettas, like the fact he was actually smart, reminded you of the "gifted ones". Being deemed as a bad kid who would never be anything in grade school till graduation, kids like Ed always fucked with you to get some sick relief because they knew noone would believe you. You weren't popular enough to be a "cool kid" but you weren't too unpopular for the staff to stay off your ass. So they would make fake reports on your name, talk relentless shit about you and even help the popular kids push you around. Yknow normal highschool shit.  Your deep thinking was interrupted by the shiny paper that decorated the basket that Kristen gave to you.

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