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 Chapter 71: Fellow villagers see fellow villagers

I can't quickly enter the era of mechanization, nor can I create a steam engine, let alone any other machines, nor can I at all.

Therefore, I can only think of ways to improve the efficiency of manual labor as much as possible.

Although agriculture has been mechanized in the 21st century, there are still agricultural exhibition halls in many places.

I have seen the Saxon wheel plow. This heavy plow with wheels to control the depth of the plow is vertical. The plowshare can turn the plot over and is a good tool for deep ploughing.

I have also seen Chinese-style hand-held plows and curved plows, which are very convenient for farming small plots.

After the Chinese plow with a plough wall was introduced to Europe in the 17th century, Western designers innovated on the basis of this plow, and produced modern plows, which also had a great impact on the European agricultural revolution.

It just so happens that we also have copper and tin now.

The smelting of bronze is much easier than the smelting of iron, which is why the Bronze Age came earlier than the Iron Age. What's more, we now only have meteorite iron that is not convenient for refining.

And I really still haven't figured out the real craftsmanship of Damascus steel and Malay Kris sword. I don't plan to waste rare meteorite irons on the fur. Maybe, these meteorite irons will become cultural relics in the future. Although the cultural relics are still far away from me.

With the help of the incompletely pure red copper and the tin burned out by fire, by adding about 15% to not more than 20% tin in the red copper, we refining and casting together, we make it. Got some plowshares.

I even gave a bronze sword to everyone in the clan.

However, even though I was the one who made the fight, my job is just to move my mouth. I basically do everything with Rory, Rona and Mohei.

Here I can also see that compared to Hongda who can't sit still and Luks who would rather go out hunting, don't look at Mo Hei saying nothing, but in terms of learning, they are better than them.

He learned how to make pottery molds, and they did a good job. He was very patient even in casting such things.

By using oxen and plows, we cultivated the ground faster than in the past.

The seedlings that have been bred will be carefully sown into the leveled ground. Next, we will rely on the weather and the good weather and careful care to cultivate our harvest this year.

When a very strange person said that we will encounter a storm in a few days, in fact, I believe it.

It's okay if you don't believe it, agriculture depends on the sky. It's never wrong to be prepared in advance.

So I organized people to quickly put windproof fences around our fields and dug trenches for drainage.

The person who appeared suddenly was very strange. He said that she was from the opposite tribe. He pointed to the plain, but what I know is that within one day of our place, there should be no tribe.

In other words, he may have just arrived here not long ago.

Although he doubted the purpose of his arrival, he soon left.

The storm that swept through in the next few days left me no time to think about anything.

Fortunately, we made preparations first, and the grass and wheat seedlings in the field are not very tall, so there is no such thing as being blown by the wind, but these weak seedlings are just floating in the wind and rain.

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