Chapter 38

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"First he kisses you. Now he asked you on a date?" Tim exclaimed, choking on the tea he was drinking.

I bit my lip and hesitantly shook my head. 

"Well...not exactly. He said we're going on a lunch date to impress an investor. Does that count as a date?" 

Tim nodded his head eagerly. "Definitely counts as a date in my book."

I took a sip from my tea and cleared my throat. "I don't know. He only kissed me to show off the press. And he's only inviting me on this date for the investors. His feelings aren't genuine. It's all for show."

Tim sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Yes, but maybe he actually wanted to kiss you. Maybe he's using the investors as an excuse so he can actually take you on an official date."

I stood up and straightened my hair. "I highly doubt it. After the auction, he left to London and hasn't contacted me once. And then he texted me last night telling me that we're going on a lunch date today. He doesn't even care about me Tim."

Tim shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "So what does this mean? Is your decision on leaving final?"

I sat down and massaged my temple. "Yes. I'm leaving. I can't stay."

Tim smiled and pulled something out of his pocket.  "Then in that case, you're going to need this." 

He slides a small piece of paper across the table towards me.

I curiously flip the paper over to see a one-way ticket to Madrid, Spain, scheduled for the last week of June. 

I gasped and picked up the paper to examine it.

"No way. How did you get this?" I asked surprised. 

Tim shrugged and smiled at me. 

"The guy sent it to me after I paid him. He's still working on your passport and ID but he was able to arrange this. The flight date is flexible so we can push it back if the other things aren't ready yet."

"This is so cool. Thank you so much Tim," I exclaimed cheerfully.

"No problem. Now all you have to do is start packing."

I nodded my head and placed the paper on the coffee table. "I'll start when it's closer to the date."

"Sounds good," Tim stated as he stood up. "I hope everything works out."

"Are you leaving?" I asked, standing up as well.

"Yeah, I'm going on a business trip with my father for two weeks. I have to go get ready."

I smiled at him and gave him a tight hug. 

"Thanks again Tim. I really appreciate it," I exclaimed happily.

He returned the embrace, tightening his grip around me. "I'm gonna miss you Jules. You need to promise to write back from time to time so I know you're all right."

Tears were starting to cloud my eyes. "I will. I promise."

Even though there were four weeks till I would leave, the thought of leaving my whole life behind was sad. 

"What's going on?"

The introduction of Jared's sudden voice frightened both of us. 

I yelped in surprise while Tim fell back onto the couch. 

Jared was standing with his suitcase in the foyer with a frown on his face.

I panicked at his sudden presence but then realized the plane ticket was face up on the table. 

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