Chapter 14

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"So you live with him now?" Tim asked in shock when I told him everything. We were currently in AP Lit, working on a project.


"So what are you going to do? I would've expected you to rebel or something!" he exclaimed with a stern look.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I can't do anything Tim! My parents legit moved to another country leaving me with limited resources and information. I'm stuck with him!"

"Sucks to be you."

I lightly smacked his shoulder and ruffled his neatly combed hair. 

"Stop Julie! Don't touch my hair!"

I chuckled as he smacked my hands away and attempted to straighten his now messed up hair.

"You're so annoying sometimes!" he exclaimed, pointing his finger at me. 

I gave him a smirk and absentmindedly twirled a stand of my hair with my fingers. "But you love me!"

He scoffed. "Whatever."


I looked up at the sound of my name and was faced with Asher standing in front of our table. 

"Yes Asher? Can I help you with something?" I said rudely.

He gave me a glare but continued speaking. "Jared asked me to give you a ride home today."

I drew my brows together in confusion. "Why?"

"Because he can't give you a ride."

"But why can't he give me a ride?"

He scowled at me, growing irritated at my questions. "He's busy."

"Doing what?"

"Ask him yourself!"

I stopped what I was typing and looked up to glare at him. "You know what Asher. Go tell Jared that I will not be needing a ride home."

He clenched his jaw. "Why not?"

"Tell him I can't because I'm going to my friends house."

"Which friends house?" he questioned with a frown on his face.

Tim gave me a baffled look. I was also confused at Asher's questions. 

I folded my hands on the table and firmly answered him. "I don't know why you're asking so many questions. Just tell him I'll be at a friends house."

"But Jared-"

I didn't let him finish. 

"I don't care! If Jared has a problem, he can tell me himself. Bye now Asher."

With that, I gave him a fake smile and went back to typing. He stood there with an angry glare but I ignored him. 

With a huff, I heard him leave.

 "What's his problem?" Tim asked looking over to Asher. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "He's just being a jerk."

"A real big jerk."

I nodded and we both went back to working on the project.

"I have some startling news to share with you," Tim suddenly said as I was packing up my bag. 

I looked up at him, awaiting the news. 

He inhaled a deep breath. "Rumor has it that Serra is dating Will Jennings."

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