Chapter 13

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Jared had me following him down a dark and shady hallway located in the lower part of the basement. 

As we preceded further into the hallway, I noticed that some of the lights were broken or flickering in an oddly creepy way. 

"My scream is pretty loud you know," I said, walking closer behind him.

He briefly turned his head to look at me with a confused facial expression but he nonetheless kept walking. 


"Just in case you decide to kill me or something."

He gave me a devilish smirk and turned away from me.

"If I was going to get rid of you, I wouldn't do it in my own home."

"Knowing you, I find that very hard to believe."

He merely shrugged his shoulders and then stopped at an eerie looking wooden door. 

He pulled out a key from his pocket and opened the door. 

He walked in and I slowly followed behind him. 

Walking in, I was hit with the smell of cinnamon and apples. There was a living room, small kitchen, a private deck, and a bedroom and small bathroom. 

"This is the guest suite. It's located the farthest from the rest of the house for the ultimate privacy of the guest," Jared said as he plopped down on the couch.

I placed a hand on my hip and gave him a blank look. "I would've been fine with a bedroom on the second floor next to you and Liza. No offense but this suite is low key kind of creepy."

He chuckled and then ruffled his hair. "My father insisted you have this suite. You are our guest after all."

I sighed and headed towards the kitchen. It was updated but you could tell it hadn't been used in years. 

"So does someone make breakfast and dinner for me?" I asked as I opened the fridge, finding it completely empty. 

I heard his muffled voice from the living room say, "me and Liza only eat out or order take out. We don't really eat here. If you want, we can hire a chef for you."

Liza and Jared are typical rich kids. Spoiled and wealthy.

I huffed a breath of frustration and walked back to the living room to find Jared in the same position, laying on the couch. 

"No it's fine, I'll learn how to manage. Also, what about my clothes? Personal items left at my house? What's going to happen to my stuff?" I asked, sitting on the arm chair near him.

He closed his eyes and placed an arm over his forehead.

"Your father called me when I went to put Liza in her room. He said your house was not in very good condition and that most of the things inside had been burned or damaged. You'll just have to buy all your things again."

I sulked and leaned back into the chair. "All my books, computers, pictures, and keepsakes are gone. I don't understand how this could have happened."

Jared groaned and sat up right and placed his forehead between his hands. 

"Your father also told me that the incident might have not been an accident."

This got my attention. I quickly stood up and faced him in shock.

"Are you telling me that someone deliberately tried to burn our house down?!"

He sighed and leaned back to face me. "I'm not sure but that's what your father said."

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