Chapter 40

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After the lunch, Jared was abruptly called to the office so he made his driver drop me off at the boutique to buy a wedding dress with his mother and sister. 

As I entered the lavish boutique, I was greeted by a cheerful Liza and a grumpy Amelia. 

I gave Liza a hug and nodded my head in greeting to Amelia. 

Considering everything that happened between Liza and Amelia, they seemed to be on good terms.

"How was the lunch Julia? Did everything go okay?" Liza asked as she dragged me into the seating area. 

"Harry and Blair showed up and tried to ruin it but me and Jared got through it okay."

"Ugh, I hate how they'r trying to get between you two."

"I'm not here for chit-chat. Hurry up and pick the dress you want so we can all go our separate ways," Amelia suddenly blurted out in annoyance. 

I stood up and faced her with a confused look. "If you don't want to be here, why did you come?"

She rolled her eyes at me and folded her hands across her chest. "Jared threatened me to come."

"It's okay. You can leave. I won't tell Jared."

She huffed and shook her head. "He might have people following me. It's better if I stay and get this over with."

"Fine, but I don't want to listen to you complain the whole time. Just sit in the lobby and mind your business if you have nothing nice to say."

She bit the bottom of her lip and nodded her head. "Fine. I'll wait in the lobby. But he might ask me about the dress you picked so call me in when you find the one you want."

I raised my brow in surprise and shrugged my shoulders. "Okay. That sounds good to me."

I thought she would just leave but I guess Jared really pushed her into a corner for her to be this obedient. 

She went to go sit down while me and Liza went into pick a dress. 

The sales woman showed us a bunch of catalogues and took me into the fitting room to try on one Liza picked. 

This was really a waste of time considering I was running away but to keep up my disguise, I had to pick a dress. 

I should just pick a random dress and get this over with. 

I tried on the dress Liza picked and liked it.

It was flattering and not too puffy. It had a slim waist line and the straps on the shoulders gave the dress an elegant look.

This dress would do. If I get too picky with the dress, I might get attached so it's best I stop here. 

I stepped out with the dress and saw Liza gasp in excitement. 

"Oh my god Julia! You look like a real life princess. Absolutely gorgeous."

I smiled and spun in the dress. "I really like this one. Let's get this one."

The smile from Liza's face dropped. She started frowning and shook her head. "That's it? You don't want to try on other dresses? Visit other boutiques?"

I looked at her confused and shook my head. "Why would I do that when I actually like this dress?"

She didn't seem to believe me but just shrugged her shoulders. 

"I mean, if you actually really like the dress, then you should get it."

"Do you not like it?" I asked hesitantly. 

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