Chapter 11

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"We're going on a short trip to Seattle next weekend. The Cunning family will also be joining us ," my dad said while at dinner.

I dropped the spoon that was in my hand and it hit the plate with a loud bang.

"Seattle?" I asked in disbelief. "With the Cunnings?"

He merely nodded as he grabbed his napkin and wiped the edge of his mouth.

I scoffed as I picked up my spoon and started eating again. "What kinds of rich people go on random trips to Seattle? There's obviously something else going on."

My dad cleared his throat. "Yes, there also happens to be a national business gala taking place that both me and Robert Cunning need to attend."

"And you can't attend alone because...?"

"Because it's a family event. The investors who will be attending the gala need to know they can trust and confide in us. What better way to show them than showing off our family."

I drew my lips in a thin line and glared at time. "That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"This trip is also for you and Jared to become better acquainted."

I rolled my eyes. "Trust me, there is no need for that. Jared and I are already acquainted."

"Julia, Jared is taking over his fathers company over the Summer. This gala will be important to him. As his current fiancé and future wife, it's your job to be by his side and support him."

Hearing enough from the conversation, I abruptly stood up and threw the napkin sitting on my lap on the table.

"I've heard enough. I'm not going."

"I never said you had a choice. If I say we're all going, that means we're all going."

Silently huffing, I shot him a dirty glare and left the room.

My life just seems to revolve around stupid Jared!

Entering my bedroom, I jumped on the bed and started my unfinished homework.

"What's been going on with you? You came late today and missed AP Lit. You haven't been present at school these past few days, you haven't been answering my calls or anything," Tim said as we sat down for lunch at our usual table.

I let out a yawn and bit into the apple in my hand. "Sorry, it's been a tough week. Anna Rosenberg has been annoying, Jared pops up everywhere, my parents won't leave me alone, ugh everything just sucks! They've all been ruining my week."

"Sheesh, sounds rough. Especially the Anna Rosenberg part. Gosh, wait! I forgot to tell you. So basically, I heard that on Monday she tried to attack Jared and his friend or something. All the girls were talking about it, it sounded like crazy stuff!"

I held in a laugh and continued eating my apple.

"I heard she received out of school suspension for three days. She should be back tomorrow."

I clenched my jaw. "The slutty roach is coming back tomorrow huh? And what about our former friend Serra? Has she talked to you?"

Tim looked at me with distant, sad eyes. He shook his head. "I called and texted her but no reply. I haven't seen her around lately either. No idea what happened to her."

"Hmm, well she's the one who left us. Nothing we can do."

The rest of lunch was spent in  a comfortable silence.

The rest of the day continued like it always did and when the finally bell rang, I ran out of class and to the student parking lot.

It had been a weird day considering Jared was not present to annoy me and Serra was missing from all the classes we had together. Tim was acting unusually reserved and I heard from Tim that Asher and Will were no longer sitting at our table in AP Lit. Just when I was starting to like them, they decide to sit with the popular kids.

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