Dating a Chronically Ill S/O (Danny)

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- Wouldn't even bat an eye when you tell him about your diagnosis or lack there of. Reassures you that your symptoms are valid even without a fancy medical name to describe them 

- Takes time to learn about your symptoms and what causes them to flare up 

- When you're in a flare Danny knows the best thing for you is rest. He offers to cancel plans and lay with you watching movies 

- Whenever you are nervous to use a mobility aid, special parking, or wear a brace Danny is right besides you reassuring you that it's okay because you need it 

- Danny reminds you to take your medication every day. He knows how bad your brain fog can get so he acts as your personal alarm 

- He understands when you can't do regular activities like hiking or going out to bars. He always offers to do something else instead, something you both can enjoy 

- He accompanies you to every doctors appointment he can 

- And when the doctor dismisses your symptoms Danny does not hesitate to fight with them. He explains how he witnesses your symptoms firsthand and that they are completely real and valid 

- Overall Danny is very supportive and hates to see you in pain or a flare 

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