Autumn Leaves (Danny Wagner)

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You rolled down the window letting the crisp breeze blow through the car, Neil Young's Harvest Moon humming softly in the background. You looked over at Danny in the driver's seat, one hand on the wheel, the other hanging out the window and placed strategically on the roof of the small car. He had his hair half up, and a few loose strands danced around his cheeks. It was a perfect fall day, even though the weather called for rain, all you saw was clear skies and sunshine.

"I haven't been to a pumpkin patch since I was like 8," Danny spoke, breaking the silence.

"Oh my god, really? It's a tradition. My family used to go every year, and we each got our own pumpkin." You smiled thinking back on the days when you would pick a pumpkin bigger than yourself, and your dad would have to carry it to the car.

"Is there anything else to do there or just pumpkins?" Danny questioned.

"There's a corn maze, which we are most definitely doing and then there are snacks." You explained as the car pulled into a parking spot.

You watched all the parents make their way to the entrance as their children ran ahead with excitement. You figured you and Danny were the only non-family here today, but neither of you cared. This was one of the few activities you'd get to do together before he left for tour again, so you planned on enjoying every moment of it.

Once you were through the gate, you grabbed Danny's hand and pulled him towards the corn maze.

"I want to see how long it takes us to get out. My family's record is 12 minutes." You smiled.

Danny couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" You asked, turning to look back at him.

"Nothing. I think it's cute how excited you get over simple things." He smiled down at you.

"The simple things are the best things." You beamed dragging Danny inside the maze.

After hitting your fourth dead end, you were well over your family's 12-minute record.

"Danny, I told you we should have turned left back there." You remarked.

"Y/N, you told me to lead the way. We'll just go back and head in the opposite direction." Danny turned around and began walking the way you had just come.

"Okay but I'm leading from now on." You proclaimed marching in front of your boyfriend.

"Y/N we've already gone this way. I remember that broken cornstalk." Danny pointed at the cornstalk on the ground that looks like it had been a great meal for the squirrels. "We should have turned back there instead of going straight."

"Are you sure about that? I don't think that's right."

"I'm pretty sure. Now come on." Danny grabbed your hand and laced your fingers together. The warmth of his touch was comforting to your cold skin. Together you walked back the way you came to follow what you were told was the right path.

Not long after rerouting your course, the two of you were standing at the exit of the maze.

"I guess that was the right way. I'm sorry I doubted you." You admitted.

"That's okay, Y/N. How did we do on time?"

You pulled out your phone and took note of the time. Thinking back to what time you started, you figured out how long it was.

"23 minutes." You muttered. "Not the best time but not too bad either."

"Do you want to get a drink before we go look at the pumpkins? You look like you're freezing."

Your boyfriend was right. The thin sweater you had on was doing nothing to protect you from the cold breeze in the air.

"I am freezing. I should have worn a thicker sweater."

Together you made your way over to the small stand near the front of the field. You ordered yourself a hot apple cider, and Danny got a regular coffee. After paying for your drinks, the two of you made your way over to the pumpkin patch. Not bothering to wait for Danny you began looking at all the pumpkins. After a minute, he caught up with you.

"Did you find one?" He asked.

"Not yet. I'm still looking." You say taking a sip of your drink enjoying in the warmth it gave you.

"What about that one?" Danny asked, pointing to a pumpkin in front of you.

"No, that one's dented. It has to be perfect." You exclaimed.

You both kept walking, inspecting all the pumpkins along the way. Eventually, you noticed a larger round pumpkin that had a smaller one leaning against it.

You looked at Danny with a smile. "Look, Danny, it's like us. You're the bigger one, and I'm the smaller one because I'm short."

"I'm assuming they're the ones you want?" He questioned.

"Of course, we have to get them."

You bent down and grabbed the smaller one while Danny picked up the larger one. Together you made your way to the front to pay for your pumpkins.

On the way back to the car, you spoke, breaking the silence. "I want you to take the smaller pumpkin. Put it on the bus somewhere. So, you won't forget me while you're gone."

Danny laughed at your request. "Y/N, I'm only going to be gone for a month."

"Actually, it's two days shy of 7 weeks." You corrected him.

"Only you would count down the exact days I'll be gone" He joked unlocking the car and setting his pumpkin in the back seat.

"Come on; I don't want to be forgotten while you're gone." You also set your pumpkin in the back seat before getting in the passenger side.

Danny got in the driver's side and started the car. He looked over at you, one hand on the wheel.

"Oh, mama, I could never forget you." He smirked, putting the car in reverse and pulling out of the parking spot.

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