Tiny Dancer (Danny Wagner)

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You closed the front door and sighed, throwing your bag on the floor. The house was warm and smelled of pasta, your favorite meal. You followed the smell of food down the hallway and into the kitchen where you found your boyfriend Danny standing at the counter making a salad.

"Ah you're home." Danny remarked, making his way over to you. "How was rehearsal?" He planted a quick kiss on your lips before guestering for you to take a seat at the table.

You were a dancer. Dance has been your life for as long as you could remember. You didn't have an easy home life so dance was your escape. You would spend hours at the studio after school so you didn't have to be home and hear your parents constantly fight, or worse get screamed at by them.

Once you got old enough to start competing you did. That way you could be gone on the weekends as well. Eventually you aged out of your studio and had to begin looking for career opportunities. After months of failed auditions and unanswered callbacks you landed a job with a dance company in Nashville where you toured across the country performing different shows. It might not have been your dream job but the pay was steady even if the work was tiring.

"It was good. We started working on our next show. It has a lot of partner work." You took a sip of the wine that was already poured for you.

"Partner work? I thought you didn't like partner work?" Danny questioned, setting the salad bowl on the table and then taking the seat across from you.

"Normally I don't. But this feels different. I'm working with a guy this time." You scooped some salad onto your plate as you spoke.

"A guy?" Danny repeated while staring across the table at you.

"Yeah. It's a love story. So most of the dances revolve around me and my partner."

"Is your partner good looking?" Danny demanded, squeezing his fork.

"Well Chris would have to be good looking to get the male lead in a love story." You took a bite of your salad and looked over at your boyfriend. You noticed his tight grip on his silverware along with his death stare towards you.

"You're not jealous are you?" You questioned.

"No, why would I be jealous? My girlfriend is just spending 10 hours a day dancing with some guy for weeks on end while also building a connection with him." You watched as Danny stabbed the lettuce on his plate as he spoke.

"Woah Danny calm down. Nothing is happening between us. It's a purely professional relationship."

"Is it Y/N? How am I to believe that? Just because you say it's professional doesn't mean that Connor doesn't like you." Danny slammed his fork on his plate in disgust.

"Chris" You made sure to emphasize your partner's name which your boyfriend had gotten wrong. "Isn't like that. He cares too much about his work to let something like this come between it. What's with the sudden jealousy anyway? You don't see me getting jealous every time you go on tour even though I have every right to be."

"What makes you think you have a reason to be jealous when I'm on tour?" Danny sneered.

"Most of your fans are girls" You yelled. "They follow you on tour and wait outside the venue or back at your hotel. They approach you at bars and restaurants. Almost everywhere you go you have pretty girls coming up to you."

"Well this isn't about me. This is about you." Your boyfriend tried to change the subject.

"Fine." You stood up from the table signifying defeat. "If you're so worried that something is going on between me and Chris then come to rehearsal with me tomorrow." You didn't bother waiting for a reply from Danny before speaking again. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to shower. I have to be in the studio early tomorrow." You made your way out of the kitchen and up the stairs, leaving your uneaten dinner behind.

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