Last Kiss (Danny Wagner)

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You turned off the water and stepped out into the cold air of your bathroom. Wrapping a towel around yourself you made your way into your bedroom. Normally you would have your clothes laid out on the bathroom counter but tonight you didn't.

You sighed as you opened your dresser drawer and began rifling through the clothes in search of some pajamas. Your hand stopped on a familiar t-shirt. You pulled it to the top of the pile and admired it for a bit, staring at the worn lettering and faded color. It wasn't your shirt but your ex-boyfriend Danny's. He picked it up amidst his travels on tour and it quickly became one of his favorites. You hadn't seen it in forever and actually you forgot you even had it. But something inside of you made you unfold it and put it on. Even though you've been broken up for a few weeks now it was comforting to be wearing his favorite shirt.

After changing you made your way over to the floor by your bed. Sitting down you began to fiddle with the hem of the shirt as you thought. You still weren't completely over the breakup. I mean how could you be; it came out of nowhere. One day Danny's saying he loves you and the next he's telling you it's over. It was something you never could have imagined.

It seems like just yesterday you were watching across the room at another party the Kiszka's threw. You loved the swing he had in his step as he returned to you after getting a second beer. Most people would assume he was quiet, and they're not wrong, but when he was comfortable around people, he could be a bit of a showoff.

Usually, you would just roll your eyes at his antics but that night you didn't have the time. Before you could do anything, Danny grabbed your hand and pulled you close to him to dance. Normally you weren't one for dancing but when Danny wanted to you happily obliged.

You thought back to the first time Danny came over and met your parents. You didn't tell Danny at the time, but you were nervous as hell all day. Your father was a traditional businessman that didn't see music as a career. So, you didn't know how he'd react to your boyfriend not having a typical 9-5 job. But Danny shook his hand politely and within minutes they were talking about golf and politics.

Overall, Danny was the perfect boyfriend. You loved everything about him, his dark eyes, his curls, the way he'd shove his hands in his pockets when he was nervous or when you wouldn't stop talking and the only way, he knew how to shut you up was to kiss you mid-sentence. It was his little way of saying "okay I get what you're saying."

You let out a sigh and grab your phone that was sitting on the floor besides you. You unlock it and open Instagram. The first post you see is from none other than Danny himself. God only knows where he was when this was taken. You knew the boys were working on new music, but you didn't know where.

Out of nowhere an intense sadness filled your chest. Just weeks ago, you were sitting up in bed when you couldn't sleep and staring down at a snoring Danny. But now you only see him in pictures, and you barely recognize the man you once loved.

Deep down you knew he was forgetting you, moving on and coming to terms with his new single life. You felt it the same way you would feel his warm breath on your neck as he slept beside you.

Sadly, you close out of the app and stare blankly at your phone. You don't know what compelled you to do what you did next, but it felt right. You hit the contact tab and search for Josh's name, hitting call once you found it. Even after the breakup you still remained friends with the Kiszka's. And as far as you knew it didn't cause any ill feelings between them and Danny.

As soon as the line started ringing you instantly regretted it. What if they were all together and Danny saw your name on Josh's phone? What if they were in the middle of working on a new song? All of those thoughts were pushed from your mind when you heard Josh's cheerful voice on the other end.

"Hey Y/N! It's good to hear from you." Josh exclaimed.

The background was loud indicating that the rest of the guys were in the room with him and maybe some other people as well.

"It's good to hear from you too. How's the new album coming?" You tried to sound happy, but you just couldn't muster up the energy.

Josh immediately picked up on the tone of your voice. It was different from your normal high-pitched laughter. You could hear the noise in the background fading, indicating that Josh was making his way out of the room. The moment of silence was quickly replaced by the sounds of nature, and you knew Josh made his way outside.

"Come on Y/N, we both know why you called." Josh's voice lost its cheerfulness and turned more serious.

You sighed quickly before speaking. "How's Danny doing?"

"He's doing well." Josh remarked.

"I figured." You scoffed. It came out a lot harsher than you intended and you instantly regretted it.

"Look Y/N, I know this hasn't been easy for you. It hasn't been easy for Danny either." Josh explained.

"It sure looks easy." You whispered as you thought back to the many social media posts you saw him make since your breakup. Each video appeared to contain a smiling and laughing Danny getting into various antics with the boys.

"I can assure you it's not. You didn't see him after it ended when he shut everyone out. We had to go over to his place and force him to come out with us." Josh revealed.

"If it hurt him that bad then why did he do it?" You asked, your voice cracking as you spoke. As you waited for Josh's reply you could feel tears lining the bottom of your eyes threatening to come crashing down.

You could hear Josh sigh sadly before speaking. "I can't answer that. I wish I could Y/N, but only Danny could."

"I hope it's nice wherever you guys are." This time you couldn't hold the tears back as you spoke. You could feel them run softly down your cheeks.

You knew that just like the Kiszka's Danny enjoyed nature too. You figured he deserved to be surrounded by his favorite thing at a time like this.

"It is Y/N. It really is beautiful here." Josh smiled.

What you didn't know was that the boys decided to work on their new album in a cabin in Tennessee and Josh was currently staring out at the mountains that are doused in fall colors. Another thing you didn't know was that every morning Danny would get up earlier than everyone else in the house and have his coffee out on the balcony. He knew sunrise was your favorite time of day and he still made it part of his daily routine to watch the sun come up and illuminate the mountains, even if he was doing it alone now. A few times during the sunrise Danny would sigh and wonder if he really did the right thing. But it was too late now. The damage was already done.

"I'm glad." You answered Josh. The line was quiet for a moment before you spoke again. "I just don't know how to be something he misses now. I never imagined we'd end like this." You paused for a moment before continuing. "Actually, I never imagined we'd end at all."

"I know it's hard now Y/N." Josh soothed. "And it will continue to be hard. But as time goes on it will get easier and then it will feel like freedom. And remember you can always call me. We're still friends regardless of what happened."

"Thanks Josh. I really appreciate it." You choked. The tears that were once streaming down your face stopped and were beginning to dry now.

"Goodnight, Y/N." Josh hummed on the other end.

"Goodnight Josh." You whispered as you hung up the phone.

You sat on the floor for another minute collecting yourself and finding the energy to stand up. Eventually you pushed yourself up off the floor and climbed into bed where you would finally fall into a dreamless sleep.

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