Distraction (Sam Kiszka)

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You bounced your leg nervously as you sat in the passenger seat. Your boyfriend, Sam, looked over at you comfortingly as he waited for the light to turn green.

"There's no reason to be scared. I'll be right next to you the whole time." Sam spoke gently, placing his hand on your knee.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I'm not nervous." You said.

The two of you had decided to spend your Friday night at a haunted hayride. You knew how much Sam loved all things Halloween and you decided to try and overcome your fear for him.

"Once we get in there, you'll see there's nothing to be scared about." The light turned green, and the car started moving again.

"Yes, there is. I don't want to get grabbed again." You huffed. You had gone to one of these with your family when you were little. It was going well until someone dressed as a zombie grabbed you and tried to pull you off of the wagon. That would leave any seven-year-old" traumatized you thought to yourself.

"We can sit in the middle of that would help you. Or we don't even have to go. We can do something else tonight of that would make you feel better." You smiled at the offer. Sam was sweet like that. He was always willing to give up something he wanted to do to make you happy.

"No, that's okay. I know how much you love these things. I think sitting in the middle where I can't be grabbed will help." You watched as traffic began to increase and you knew you were almost there.

Once you were parked, you got out and began making your way down the trail to the entrance. The closer you got, the more the nerves grew. Eventually, you got to the line and saw all the small children with their parents.

"I feel stupid," You mumbled to Sam.

"And why's that?" He questioned.

"Look at all the small children in line ahead of us." You spoke, pointing to the many families in front of you. "They all seem so excited, and here I am, almost twenty years old, and I'm scared as hell."

Sam wrapped his arms around you as he spoke. "It's okay, Y/N. A lot of people are afraid of these kinds of things. You're not stupid. You're actually quite brave for wanting to get over this fear of yours."

The line began moving the nerves that Sam just calmed immediately returned. Before you knew the two of you were at the front. Sam paid, and you made your way over the other line to wait for the wagon to return. It felt like forever, but eventually, you saw the tractor come into view. You and Sam boarded the hayride opting for the middle seats that no one else seemed to want.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Sam asked, looking over at you.

"No.," you whispered. Sam wrapped his arm around you, and while it didn't calm you, it did make you feel slightly better.

The wagon jerked forward, and you knew it was too late to get off now. Everything was going alright for the first minute or two. Then people across from you began screaming as people jumped out and grabbed their shoulders. You looked over at Sam, trying to distract yourself.

"Hey, it's okay Y/N." He soothed your shaking frame. "Did I tell you Josh wants to go trick or treating this year?" You appreciated his attempt at conversation.

"No, really? He's almost twenty-three." You laughed.

"Well it's the first time we'll be home for Halloween in a few years, so he wants to take advantage of it."

"Typical Josh." You rolled your eyes even though Sam couldn't see that. "I assume he already has a costume picked out."

"Actually, he wants us all to go as a group. And yes, he does have a costume picked out already." Sam laughed.

"What has the wonderful Josh Kiszka come up with this year? Probably something to do with music, I assume."

"Of course, it has to do with music. He wants us to go as Queen this year."

"Queen. Really?" You were surprised by his choice.

"Yeah, he's been having a Queen phase these last few months. That's all he played during our last tour, and by the end of it I didn't want to hear Bohemian Rhapsody again." Sam explained.

You laughed to yourself thinking of Josh obnoxiously performing Bohemian Rhapsody for the guys in the front space of their bus.

"He also made it abundantly clear that he has to be Freddie. He said no one else in the band has the personality to portray him correctly."

"Then who does that make you?" You asked.

"I volunteered to be Roger Taylor." Sam smiled.

"Hmm, I can't see you as a blonde, though. I like your brown locks." You ruffled his hair as you spoke.

"I think I could pull it off."

"What about me? If you're all members of the band who will I be?" You questioned.

"Josh already thought about that. He wants you to be Mary Austin." He explained.

"And you're okay with that?"

"Sure, he's my brother. He doesn't want any problems in the band so he won't make any moves on you. And if he does remember, Mary and Freddie didn't end up together."

By this time the ride was half over, and you were feeling a lot more comfortable.

"Doesn't that guy have hair like Josh?" Sam asked, pointing at the guy that was supposed to be some crazy scientist.

"He does." You laughed. "Maybe that's what he'll look like in forty years."

People dressed as zombies made their way to the wagon, but this time you weren't nervous at all. One was standing directly across from you and Sam. Sam was expecting you to grab onto his arm again, but instead, you leaned over to make a comment.

"He looks like Jake if you wake him up before noon." You laughed.

"Yeah, he does. That boy does love his sleep." Sam laughed back.

Eventually the ride came to a stop, and you were actually kind of sad. You enjoyed making fun of the actors with Sam. The two of you exited the wagon and began making tour way back to the car.

"See that wasn't so bad. You had fun." Sam commented.

"That's because I had a good distraction, Roger." You joked.

Sam unlocked the car, and both of you got inside. He leaned over, giving you a quick kiss.

"Someone should tell Freddie he's about to lose his girl." Sam smirked as he started the car and took off back to his house.

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