Chapter 29: Ash

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He finally caught up to her. It took a while before Ash was recovered enough from his shock to run off after Hailey at fun speed. But he didn't reach her in time. She fell down right before his eyes, just out of reach.

Ash let himself crash down next to her and he threw his arms around her, trying to pull her off the ground and being as careful as possible. Every small movement made her shudder with pain, but he had to get her back inside as quickly as possible. It hadn't stopped snowing and there was a layer of it covering the ground; it was freezing. She cried out and it felt like he was stabbed by a poisonous blade. No, it was worse, he had experienced a poisonous blade, and this was much worse.

"Let me go! Don't hurt me! Let go of me! Please don't kill me! Please ― please..." Hailey's words turned into sobs. She fought against his touch, but he didn't let go. Finally, something inside her seemed to deflate and she stopped struggling. Instead, she pulled herself into a tiny, fragile ball, still shivering.

Ash couldn't feel the snow, but he saw the flakes melting on her fevered skin and mixing with the sheet of sweat that covered her face and the tears endlessly streaming from her eyes. Her hair laid in strands around her on the ground. He tried to focus on that, on the color that was now so familiar to him that he could recognize it easily in a crowd. Her hair wasn't any regular blonde. It was soft and had a kind of glow to it. Mortals could only see it in just the right light fall, but his eyes were much sharper. The glow was a mix between brilliant gold and soft orange like from a sunset. Even now, wet and knotted, it took his breath away.

But there was another substance flowing freely from a deep gash that was a great contrast to the paleness of her skin, and he couldn't ignore it any longer. He didn't want to let the bright red register in his head, the sight of it hurt him as if he was the one who was wounded. In his line of work, blood was as common as rain, but it had never hurt him so much so see it. Especially because it came together with cries and shrieking sobs.

"I won't," he said, not expecting her to hear it. "I promise I won't ever hurt you. Ever." Again, he felt a stab of pain, it went right through his chest. This pain was different, he had never felt it before, and Ash couldn't have imagined that he would feel it for her. But he recognized it.

He felt the pain of lying, to Hailey.


"How is she? Is she okay?" Phoenix asked the moment they were back inside the house. Hailey's eyes fluttered weakly, but she was in a distant state between consciousness and unconsciousness. He wished her body would let go, so that she wouldn't have to feel the pain. He was aware just how every movement affected her.

"What do you care?" Ash snapped although his tone wasn't nearly as harsh as he intended. He couldn't focus. He was too concerned for Hailey. "She's just another mortal to you!"

"She is my assignment too, I know how important she is," she snapped back. Again, Hailey's eyes flickered open for a second and then she groaned painfully.

"Get the first aid kit from the bathroom," he said, feeling nauseous at the color that Hailey's face was turning. Her eyes flickered towards his face. Maybe she didn't even know who it was holding her. She must've only been seeing blurs. Occasionally though, her eyes faded over and her face muscles pulled tight. It was like Ash felt the same pain, but he couldn't let it cloud his mind. He had to focus.

He had suffered much worse physical pain and always continued fighting, no matter what. He should be able to handle this. Except, this pain wasn't like anything he'd felt before. It reached him on a level that he always hoped to keep hidden from the outside world.

"Why not let Brooke call up Jane?" Nix asked stupidly. Ash couldn't help but roll his eyes even in this situation.

"Because she's mortal, Phoenix, Soul Healers can't heal mortals. You should've considered actually paying attention in classes." This time all the sarcasm was as clearly audible as intended. Nix walked away murmuring things under her breath. If Ash had wanted to, he could've heard ― there were many things he could hear if he concentrated, one of the perks of being a Soul Hunter ― but he didn't have time to focus on Nix's insults.

Ash started whispering comforting words to Hailey absently, but she either didn't or couldn't listen. He knew where her wounds were, he would be able to describe them perfectly ― that was one of the most important skills Soul Hunters needed to have, perfect description ― but he couldn't look at them now.

The worst wound was on her right foot. Hailey had stepped on glass, and it made a deep cut. Her head was pretty bad too. One of the paving stones stuck out and her left temple hit it in her fall. Her hands were also scratched because she tried to catch herself. The upper levels of skin were peeled off, but Ash hoped those didn't burn too badly. Thinking about her wounds made Ash curse at himself for not running faster, for not preventing her from having any pain.

He had never felt such an urge to protect someone. Possibly when Belle had almost fallen down the highest flight of stairs back at home, but that was different, she was his little sister. Any other Runner, even an untrained one, would've caught her on time but he ― he, who everyone told was such an extraordinary young talent ― couldn't. He didn't care that he'd scored top of the class in any Soul Hunter examination he'd ever taken. If he couldn't protect her, he was a failure.

Her pajamas were completely shredded to pieces because the fabric was so thin. The fabric was mixed with drops of blood where the tears in her clothes were the largest. What was left of the clothes still hung around her, but it didn't cover much anymore. Her underwear and bra were showing, and Ash couldn't not see them, but he felt uncomfortable at how she might feel about it later. Even though Hailey didn't seem to be a prudish person, after what had passed between that afternoon, it felt like he was betraying her confidence somehow. And he was scared that she might push him away because of the awkwardness.

"You're going to be alright, okay?" he was saying, "You'll be―"

"Ash?" Hailey interrupted him. Ash looked down at her, shocked at hearing her damaged voice.

"Yes?" he asked softly and hopefully. She was talking again, that was a good sign. It meant that she was stronger than the average mortal and he hadn't expected anything less of her. Ash couldn't help but smile at this thought but again he was scared that once she realized how much she gave away about her character in that small gesture, she would try to distance herself from him. Ash understood that, because he was the same.

"Shut up," she begged irritably. Even though her voice was still small the words were strong. Ash sniggered. Again, something that they had in common, the hate for comforting words. She closed her eyes again. They reached her bedroom. The sheets were still covered in her sweat. Her suitcase stood there as if untouched. Ash laid Hailey on the bed extremely carefully and was happy that she didn't groan.

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