Chapter 30: Ash

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Nix came in then, the first aid kit in her hands. She handed it to Ash, who opened it quickly and searched around the box for the things he needed.

"Can I help?" Nix asked stiffly. Not everyone would describe her tone as helpful at all, but Ash knew her well enough to know she meant her words. He knew that she was sorry for what she said before and that she honestly wanted to help now, Nix didn't have to say that all out loud for him to know.

"I would've said yes, if I weren't afraid you'd snap one of her bones," he answered sharply, not looking at Nix. This was the way they always talked to each other. He didn't have to hide his emotions when he was with Nix, and she didn't take offence at a harsh tone. She could see through it.

"You could have just said no, much less syllables―" Even as she said this, she got down next to him, but the rest of her sentence was cut off by Hailey's painful groan.

"No, no, no. She hasn't lost so much blood, why is she so weak?" Ash said, cursing under his breath. He knew that later he would have to get rid of that habit as they would return to the Third Dimension soon. If his mother heard half of what he was saying now she would skin him alive, but his mind was now filled with Hailey's face becoming paler. He continued, "She stepped on broken glass. There are still some glass splinters in her foot. Her head wound has to be cleaned and all the scratches have to be disinfected too."

Straight away, Nix went to stand on the other side of Hailey, and she said, "You do the foot, I will clean the head wound."

They worked together as the perfect team they were, never getting in the other's way. Ash imagined how smooth their teamwork must look. That was how everyone in Team Beta worked together, that was what made them one of the best. They didn't need to communicate verbally to understand what the other needed. Ash could still remember worrying whether he would fit in or not during his first weeks with Team Beta. He soon learned that he found himself amongst the perfect Team. He even liked to think he made the Team better.

Luckily Hailey didn't winch at Nix's cleaning ― she was being careful after all ― but however cautious Ash tried to be every time he touched Hailey's foot wound, she let out a small cry of pain. He was surprised she wasn't yelling, yet. He was essentially digging into her foot.

"Don't have any painkillers, do you?" Hailey managed to utter between bitten back groans of pain. Ash had just taken out a particularly large piece of glass and was almost done.

"Nope, sorry. We don't usually need them," Nix replied. Ash thought Hailey tried to give an exasperated smirk, but she just screwed up her face more when a renewed wave of pain came over her.

"Is she..." someone started to say from the doorpost. Ash hadn't noticed anyone walking down the hall. He forced a small part of his mind to focus enough to recognize the voice. "Goodness. Did not expect that much blood." It was Ruben. Marlene was behind him and murmured something about getting Leo, then she took off in a haste.

Ash was finally done with the glass splinters when Leo and Zech came storming in. It didn't take the rest of the Team too long to come into the room too. Mar stayed back a bit, she didn't like wounds and blood much. That was why she liked being a Locating Hunter, she got to stay in the protective circle of the Planner and usually wasn't the one taking any of the blows.

Brooke's facial expression was the opposite of Mar's, she was very interested. Sometimes Ash thought the not so girly girl liked seeing certain things a bit more than she should, but she could run like Hell. That came in handy plenty of times.

Ben of course had his big eyes on. Ash almost ― almost ― rolled his eyes at him but managed to stop himself. Even if Ash hadn't noticed Ben's disheveled clothes or smelled his breath from across the room, those large pupils gave everything away.

"What in God's name happened?" Leo growled angrily but worry was clearer in his voice.

"She kept on running and fell a couple times. I'll tell you later," Ash answered shortly. Hailey turned her head but not towards him.

"He is drunk," she suddenly stated, quieting all the others. Everyone looked at Ben, who became a bit flushed at the accurate accusation.

"Well, yeah..."

Hailey turned her head again, this time looking at Ash. But the movement was too quick. Another groan escaped her lips. When she regained herself, she asked, "Do you have any alcohol? It's a great replacement for painkillers."

"No way. I am not getting you drunk," Ash replied, shaking his head even though he had to smile too. He focused on the scratches now. He disinfected them or at least tried to. The rags of clothes were in the way. "The fabric of her pajamas just keeps sticking to the scratches if I try to ― Argh."

"Just take them off then," Phoenix suggested. Ash was about to reply but then Ben said something first.

"Very good idea, Nixy," he said with the sort of tone in his voice he only got when was drunk.

"Dammit Ben, shut up!" Ash yelled and Ben put up his hands in a no-offense sort of way. The only reason Ash didn't jump at Ben was because Hailey let out another groan. But there was still a grin on his face though, Ash felt anger boiling up in him and it was nearly enough to set him off anyway.

That little piece of... He thought. He knew he couldn't completely blame Ben for his behavior, drinking was his way of dealing with stuff, but Ash couldn't help being pissed off by it anyway. He gave Leo a look to let him know the effect Ben had on him and just how close he was to hitting his fellow Team member. Not that it was necessary, Leo already understood.

"Zech, take Ben to his room, make sure he is asleep when you leave. Mar and Brooke, go on with the packing you were doing. I will get Hailey some food, she will have to take up some sugars after all that blood loss," Leo said. Ash wanted to thank him but couldn't focus enough on his brother to get the words out. Leo's words had immediate effect. Within seconds only Hailey, Nix and Ash were left in the room.

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