Chapter 60

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"Let's go." Ash turned around and pulled Alex with him. Hailey followed. Ash looked around to her, checking on her. He must've seen the look of dizziness and pain on her face because he pushed Alex back to let her run next to him.

You know, Hailey, it doesn't matter if you don't know where you are. Because I do and I'm nearly there. This is almost too easy, it's boring.

Hailey heard a rustle of leaves from some distance behind them. She wanted to look back, but Ash grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"Don't," was all he said. His intentions didn't need clarifications. Hailey focused on what was in front of her again. It was just in time because a fallen tree was blocking their way. She jumped, Ash's hand still on arm as they went up together. They landed and continued running. The sound of Alex's feet hitting the ground behind them came only seconds later. The sound behind them got closer.

Okay, I'll let you run ahead a bit. Then it'll be fair competition.

The rustling stopped. Alex gasped with relief.

"We're getting ahead," he said, Hailey could sense a smile on his face.

"No. Not at all," she answered and the feeling of dread returning to Alex emanated from him. She felt guilty for killing his hope― Nauseousness took control of Hailey. She almost doubled over.

Ash caught her just in time. He put her arm around his shoulder so that he was half carrying her.

If you were wondering: yeah, that was me. I can do that stuff. Especially now that I don't have to think about Alex and you're my sole target.

"How much further?" Hailey yelled, her pain very clear in her voice. She could feel Prince's influence on her body becoming stronger and stronger. If she wasn't pushing him away he would probably have complete power over her. With her pushing herself to her physical limits it was becoming nearly impossible to keep resisting Prince. The purple spots covering her vision weren't helping either.

"Almost there, Hailey, hold on." Ash's voice was probably meant to reassure her but the fact that he was trying to console her told Hailey that they were not close enough yet.

During this break of mine, I might even do some digging in your mind. Get to know you, before you, well you know, die.

"No," Hailey said under her breath. Ash looked at her but didn't reply. She could hear Alex panting behind them; he shouldn't be out of breath. Something was going on with him...

Let's see... Flashes of home worsened Hailey's dizziness. These look like nice people. Nolan and Taliyah flashed before her eyes. Maybe I'll pay them a visit after I've dealt with you.

Don't you dare touch my friends! Hailey didn't realize at first that her voice hadn't been out loud. She was surprised, which was what almost distracted her.

That's alright. I don't have to touch them to hurt them. Chuckling.

Then suddenly the rustling of leaves was behind them again. This time Hailey did look around. She saw a shape of something humanlike much too close to them.

Oh, right. I started running again. I guess I forgot to tell you. Sorry.

Hailey wanted to shake her head, but she knew it would make her feel worse. She also wanted to talk to Ash ― who was still half carrying her ― but she couldn't talk and breathe at the same time anymore. The purple spots were growing.

Can you honestly not go a little bit faster? You're making me have to walk. If I'd run I'd probably accidentally pass you, or something.

Then Hailey noticed that her purple spots weren't actually growing but there were bright patches of light in front of her. They were getting towards the end of the forest, which meant they wouldn't have to run much longer.

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