Chapter 53

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"Studying in your free time," a female voice belonging to Phoenix laughed. "Had not expected that of you, Ash."

Ash was studying the books on the table closely, looking at the titles and on what page they were opened. Hailey was surprised to see it were the books that she was reading. They were still lying open from the day before. Hailey vaguely remembered reading something about the differences between Dimensions.

"They are not mine," Ash answered plainly without looking up. He was still looking as if he was in a sort of trance and didn't seem to understand what the written words meant.

"I am sure you have all heard the rumors spreading in the Team Building―," Leo began but Hailey couldn't hear what he said after that because she had turned around abruptly at the sound of footsteps.

"What are you doing here?" Hailey hissed. She looked around at the library door to make sure that nobody inside heard her.

"What are you doing here?" Alex asked her.

"I asked you first." Hailey's whisper was stern enough for Alex to understand that he had no choice but to tell her.

"I need to talk to Team Beta and I think I might know that you do too because of the same reason." Alex also didn't speak louder than a whisper. He came to stand closer to Hailey. He looked through the crack of the library doors and saw that the Team was inside. Suddenly, a yell came from that direction.

"Concentrate Ash! This is important, there is a threat of being attacked by―" It was Leo's voice and he sounded angry. He was cut off though. Alex and Hailey were pushing each other aside to both be able to see what was going on through the small crack.

"There is something else we need to worry about right now," Ash was saying when Hailey stopped pushing Alex. She looked through the crack and saw that the whole Team was looking at Ash angrily, he was still standing behind the table.

"What ― in God's name ― can be worse than that?" Hailey was shocked to hear this coming from Marlene's mouth. The woman was standing behind Zech and Hailey couldn't see her talk, but it had without doubt been her.

"Hailey sat here yesterday, studying these books," Ash said very sincerely even though his words didn't get the reaction he was clearly hoping for.

Hailey didn't completely understand either. She wasn't reading anything she shouldn't be. At least that was what she thought. But she was suddenly afraid that he understood what kind of information she was looking for.

"So what?" It was clear Phoenix could barely contain her anger.

Ash was starting to show the titles of the books, the things they were about, trying to make them understand.

"We have to tell them," Hailey quietly said to Alex, who was looking very pale.

"They will find out in a second." Alex backed away from the doors as if he wanted to run away. "There is no need..."

"I don't care." Hailey pushed the doors open with both hands and stormed inside. Despite their supposed supernaturally heightened sense, every single member of Team Beta looked shocked. Ash gave Hailey a knowing look. Maybe he really was catching up to her plan to unearth the Team's secrets.

"Hailey, what are you doing here? You should be in the ballroom," Leo said. He tried his best to sound kind, but she could see that he wanted her away as quickly as possible. Suddenly people started arguing and Hailey could hardly hear who was saying what.

"Why did no one check the door?" Jeanette asked, a bit annoyed.

"I did, she was not there," Bridget answered.

"She probably heard every word we said," Marlene sighed.

"Is that so bad?" Max joined in but seemed to regret his words the moment they had come out.

"There's something―" Hailey tried but couldn't get anyone's attention.

"She can probably keep a secret," Ruben added, which only made things worse.

"Maybe we should just tell her everything, then," Phoenix said sarcastically while her eyes were blazing with anger.

"Might as well make her a member of the Team if we are going to do that." This time it was Brooke who made the snappy comment.

"Can I just―" Hailey tried again without success.

"That is just silly." Zech shook his head.

"Silly? I am not the one who started trusting her." Brooke was just as mad as Phoenix was.

"I did not say I trusted her," Ruben tried to bring in, but nobody was paying attention anymore.

"Listen―" but nobody did, and Hailey was starting to get very annoyed.

"But you do believe we should tell her all of our secrets," Phoenix said, accusingly. Her and Brooke together were a scary combination.

"That does not make sense." Hailey didn't know whether Zech or Ruben said this because they were talking at the same time.

"Enough!" Leo yelled and some fell silent, but others continued and that led to more arguing. Hailey was sick of it. She gave Alex a look and saw that he was standing quietly by the door, watching the others. It was clear that he wasn't going to help her and the annoyance in Hailey was rising to a level that she couldn't keep it in any longer.

"DAMN IT!" she yelled.

This caught everyone's attention. She couldn't care less about the Soul Hunters' manners. If this was the only way to get what she wanted, Hailey was going to do it like this.

"And now you listen!"

"What―" Phoenix began.

"SHUT UP!" Hailey yelled before Phoenix could continue her sentence. Phoenix looked bewildered and shut her mouth. Hailey took a deep breath to calm her nerves and turned to Alex. "Do you want to tell them?"

He nodded and walked forward. "Hailey and I found out who her Connected Soul from the Third Dimension is."

"Who?" Leo asked with the sort of tone that told Hailey he already guessed. She looked at Ash and saw there was pain in his eyes, which she couldn't understand. Leo had the same kind of look in his eyes even before Alex said the word.

Alex swallowed. "Me."

The Five Dimensions Part 1: Shadow WorldWhere stories live. Discover now