Part 4

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Cassie was curled up in her bed in the room she was given, when she started hearing screaming. She looked out her window to see it pitch black, probably somewhere near midnight. She tried ignoring the screams, but it was hard to relax, so she sighed, getting up and going into the hallway. She realized the screaming came from a room across from hers. She vaguely remembered someone telling her that was Loki's room. She walked over to the door and wined, trying to get his attention. When he didn't move, she huffed, and opened the door herself, finding Loki twisting and turning on his bed. She closed the door and walked over, realizing he was in a nightmare.

Cassie nudged him with her wet nose, "Loki. Loki! Wake up!" He didn't wake up, just continued to whimper. She jumped onto the bed, then licked his face, causing him to jump, waking up. Loki let out a breath, noticing you.

"Cassie?" He asked, still half-asleep.

She almost rolled her eyes. Who else would it be? Some random white wolf who happened to also have red eyes that made it into his room. Her wolf instincts told her he needed comfort, so she nudged him, and curled up next to him. Loki hesitated, but soon laid back down, slowly petting her fur.

"Go to sleep," she murmured. She knew he fell asleep when she could hear his breathing even out. A few minutes later, she too fell asleep.

When Cassie next woke, Loki was still asleep. She crawled out from under his arm, then shook her fur to get it to go the right direction once more. Her movement caused Loki to wake up, who groaned, turning over.

Cassie turned her head to the side, and started licking her fur, spitting it out too, trying to get it to smoothen out. She huffed when it did nothing. Loki sat up, and rubbed his eyes, opening them.

"Cassie?" He asked.

She just watched him, then went back to struggling to fixing her fur. Loki let out a small laugh, "Would you like some help with that?"

Cassie turned to look at him and gave him a confused look. Loki summoned a hair brush, and after a moments hesitation, she nodded. Loki moved on the bed to get closer to her, and started grooming her fur.

"Was that you last night?" He asked.

Cassie turned her head to look at him, and tilted it, as if asking, 'What?'

"I heard someone," he clarified, then murmured. "It may have been my imagination though."

Cassie's eyes widened and she looked away, Shit I thought he was too asleep to hear me. Damnit damnit damnit.

Loki paused grooming, and she turned her head once more to look at him in confusion, "It was you!"

Cassie backed up, and wined, "Why don't you want anyone to know?"

She looked down, "Because then I'll be asked to answer why I won't change back. If they think I can't talk, they'll leave me alone."

"They meaning Fury?"

Cassie looked up at Loki and nodded sadly.

"If it means that much I won't tell them," he promised, making her sigh in relief and thank him.

"How did you get in my room anyway?" Loki then asked. "My shielding should have kept you out."

"Another one of my secrets," she admitted. "You know my...friend...who helped me all those years ago on the news?"

"The dead one?" Cassie cringed, but nodded.

"Everyone thinks that she was the only one with all the powers, and I just changed animal forms, and while that is true, it is only partly, I have the same powers as her," she explained.

Loki's eyes widened, "And no one has figured it out?"

She shook her head.

"Wow," he then smirked. "Mischievous."

Cassie laughed, I know.

Loki smirked, and Cassie narrowed her eyes, realizing something, You're reading my mind, aren't you?

Loki shrugged and chuckled, "Your thoughts aren't exactly quiet."

Cassie rolled her eyes, then focused on his mind, before being pushed out almost immediately. She stumbled back, almost falling off the bed, What the...

Loki smirked, "My mind is not easily accessible."

"How do you do that?" Cassie tilted her head to one side.

"It's a simple force field around your mind," Loki explained. "Try imagining something surrounding your mind, keeping everything inside safe."

Cassie scrunched her nose, concentrating on what he was saying, "How do I know if it works?"

"I'll let you know."

Cassie nodded, concentrating on it once more. Over the next few minutes, she tried again and again, Loki telling her over and over again, that it wasn't working, until she tried again, and something clicked. She opened her eyes and looked at Loki who gave her a smile.

Cassie twisted her head around as she heard a knock on Loki's door, "Loki it's breakfast, I-"

"I'll come down soon," He said, then muttered to himself. "Blundering oaf," making Cassie giggle.

The Shapeshifter | Loki Fanfic On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara