Part 22

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"This is a disaster!" Odin cried. "Do you understand the predicament I'm in?"

Cassie held her head up high, squeezing Loki's hand in hers for support.

"Sigyn refuses to marry you now, Loki, and we have now lost a valuable alliance," Odin continued. "They are threatening war!"

"They would never be so foolish," Loki said. "They know they would never win."

"Loki, I will not survive another war," Odin admitted. "If we go to war, I will never return, and Asgard will crumble."

Cassie struggled to hold her tongue. Odin had two princes that he could train as his heir but his hatred of Loki made him refuse to acknowledge the fact that Thor didn't want to be king, and Loki would be better anyway. Thor was nice, you liked him, but he was too impulsive and rash to be king. Thor would never be able to sit through the boring meetings and wouldn't be able to resist the opportunity to fight.

"Sigyn would never marry me," Loki argued. "She hates Cassie."

"And there, our solution to all our problems," Odin looked to Cassie. "You are causing all kinds of problems. Guards-"

Odin lifted his staff to command his guards, but Loki interrupted them. "Wait! Allfather please, I propose a deal."

"That didn't work too well last time," Odin scoffed.

"Banish her. Banish me," Loki begged. He could not have pleaded more if he got on his knees. "Make an example out of us, and let us go back to Earth. Please."

Cassie could hardly bare it. She could see what it took for him to plead like this. To bare his heart to Odin and beg for mercy.

Odin opened his mouth to speak, likely deny the request, when a voice spoke up from behind them.

"Odin." Everyone in the room turned around to see Frigga walk in.

"My love," Odin said sweetly, but his hand shook.

"I did not become your wife to be cast aside in matters like these." Cassie and Loki bowed their head as she walked by as a show of respect. "You will let them go or so help me-"

Odin quickly stood up and held her hand in his. "My love..."

"Don't you 'my love' me, Husband." Frigga radiated energy, letting him feel how mad she was. Everyone could clearly see why she was chosen as queen. She may stay on the sidelines often, but that was to make people underestimate her, when she was, in fact, very powerful and scary when she wanted to be. "You will let them go."

"Fine! You are free to go as you wish," Odin grumbled, and Frigga put on her sweet smile to Cassie and Loki.

"When you are ready to accept the bond, you know how to contact me," Frigga spoke to Loki, and he gave an embarrassed nod. "Heimdall will take you back."

"Thank you, Mother," Loki said, gratitude shining in his eyes.

Loki took Cassie's hand and led her out of the palace with a flurry of green smoke. They appeared in front of Heimdall, who gave a rare smile at them.

"Until we meet again, Prince Loki," Heimdall said respectfully as he twisted his sword in the stand.

They traveled through the Bifrost light and landed on Earth. Cassie stifled a sob as she noticed where she was. Right in front of the Avengers building.

This time it was Cassie pulling Loki into the building. They were immediately crushed with a hug from Thor when they entered.

"Thor-" Cassie wheezed. "Air."

Thor let them go with a chuckle, setting them down on the floor. "I assume this means Mother talked some sense into Father."

"We've been granted full pardons," Loki explained. "But Sigyn still threatens war."

"You were never going to marry her, and she knew it. Sigyn always loved to start drama," Thor sighed. "She's no different all this time later."

"Thor, Father is old..." Loki started, broaching the topic of an heir.

"You know I do not want to be king. I was young and foolish when I wanted to be," Thor shook his head. "Either way, this is not a conversation for now." He glanced at Cassie as he said that. He didn't want to have to argue in front of her.

"Later," Loki promised and they walked into the main room. Loki held her hand the whole time.

"Tony stop being ridiculous," a female voice sighed.

"You're the one being ridiculous, Nat!" Tony argued.

"No, it's-" Natasha stopped speaking as they walked into the room. "Cassie?"

"Hey," Cassie smiled softly. "I'm back."

Natasha walked over, almost looking like she was going to hug her, but instead shoved her shoulder lightly. Her gesture of affection. "Don't scare us like that, сестричка."

"Little sister, Nat?" Clint chuckled as he walked in, and Natasha shrugged, but Cassie smiled. "Welcome back, Cassie."

"If you want to stay, that is," Tony said. She couldn't help but lose her smile when she looked at him. She knew the ordeal with his father wasn't Tony's choice, but it didn't stop the memories from coming back.

"If I have a place, I would love to," Cassie said. "And as long as Loki is allowed to stay, free of restrictions."

"He's a wanted criminal, Cassie," Tony argued. "Fury would have my head if I let him roam free."

"Then you'll have to go through me first." Cassie raised her hand to summon energy and show them how serious she was being. She didn't care how nice they were to her; if they would accept Loki she wouldn't stay. They were a package deal.

"Cas," Loki said softly. "Don't worry about me. You need this."

She shook her head. Yeah, it would be great to have a stable life and a family, but it wouldn't be complete without him. And she could never let them restrict his magic. He was stronger then her, but she knew how not using magic could affect him.

"Tony, let him," Natasha said.

"You have to be kidding," Tony scoffed.

"Put him on trial." Natasha turned to look at Loki. "If you can go a month following our rules, you can be free."

"No magic restrictions," Cassie added, and Natasha nodded.


"Fury is going to kill me," Tony muttered.

Cassie let out a deep breath, calming herself down. "And thank you."

"Your rooms were left untouched, but I have a feeling you want a connected room, so I'll call some people to do that," Natasha grinned, and Cassie and Loki fought to keep the blush off their faces.

"Thank you, again," Cassie smiled. It was much easier to get along with Natasha when she let herself feel again.

Everything was looking up, and although Cassie warned herself not to get too hopeful, she couldn't help but grin the whole way to her room.

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