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A/n: I feel horrible about this but I time skipped a lot to wrap this up!
I'm working on my own original stories so I don't want these unfinished fanfics just sitting here.
I apologize for how I'm ending this story but I hope this cute epilogue makes up for it ❤️
"Narfi put that magic away right now!" Cassie reprimanded. "Magic is playing dirty."

"Dad says playing dirty is the only way to win," Narfi replied. "It's not my fault Vali doesn't have any magic."

Cassie looked up from her son and zeroed in on Loki laying on a lawn chair. He held her gaze for a moment before looking away as if he knew what she just found out.

Cassie squatted down next to Narfi with a sigh, resting her hands on his arms. "If you play dirty, no one will want to play with you."

"Dad plays dirty and you play with him," he pointed out. "With a lot more screaming."

Cassie flushed and her mouth dropped open. She didn't realize he heard them.

She cleared her throat and pointed to Vali who sat on the ground with a pout. "I don't think Vali likes when you play dirty, though. Why don't you let him win for a chance?"

"You mean let him win?" Narfi groaned.

She smiled and poked his chest. "I mean that you're a good twin and I know you don't like to see your brother sad."

"Fine," he sighed, walking away to his brother and holding his hand out to him. Vali immediately latched onto it with a smile and they went back to playing.

"Ah, to have the memory of a four year old," Cassie murmured. Her twins were a lot of work, but she loved them immensely and wouldn't give them up for anything.

She turned around to head back inside their home Tony had graciously provided them two years ago, mainly because he was sick of Narfi and Vali breaking everything, when she ran straight into a body—Loki.

"Hello," she said with a smile as she looked up at him.

He gave her one of his rare smiles—smiles only for her and her twins.

"When does your brother come?"

Loki sighed at the mention of his brother. They definitely didn't have a perfect relationship, but they loved each other and Cassie made sure he worked on repairing it. He had a lot of trust to earn back after pretend dying who-knows-how-many times, but Thor was willing to try.

"He told me now, so in a few hours?" The moment the words were out of his mouth, Thor shot into their field, leaving the Bifrost mark on their lawn.

Narfi and Vali stopped their game and ran up to Thor, each wrapping their arms around a leg. "Uncle Thor!"

Thor lifted each one up in an arm with a huge smile as he dropped his hammer. He let out a fake groan as he pretended to almost drop them. "You two have grown so much! I can barely hold you anymore."

"I'm going to be just as big as you are!" Narfi announced.

"No, I'm going to be even bigger!" Vali countered, not to be outdone by his brother.

"Well I'm going to have magic just as powerful as Dad," Narfi said.

Cassie knew Loki had gotten over the worst of his jealousy from his brother, but she knew he smiled when he heard that. That being just as powerful as him was more exciting than being as strong as his brother.

"Not fair! I want magic!" Vali complained.

"I have something even better for you," Thor assured him as he put them both down. He picked up his hammer and handed it to Vali.

Vali took it with a huge smile, having no idea what it meant when he was able to hold it. Cassie didn't even flinch, she knew he would be able to, but Thor and Loki let out a relieved breath.

Her son was worthy. Not a surprise when she knew Loki was, but it still made her eyes water.

With the twins distracted, Thor was finally able to make his way over to them and clap Loki on his back with a grin.

"I didn't realize Narfi had magic already," Thor noted.

"Hello to you too," Loki grumbled, but she could see he was proud that his son inherited it after him.

"Oh yes, he's very determined to learn how to teleport with it," Cassie said. "To no avail yet."

"He'll get it," Thor said, no trace of doubt in his voice.

"How is Asgard?" She asked.

"How would I know?" Thor complained. "I've been sitting through meeting after meeting. I had no idea most of what a king does is just talk. The counsel argue over absolutely everything."

Loki cleared his throat, giving Cassie a nervous look. "I think it's time."

"Oh thank Odin," Thor sighed. "I wasn't sure how much to complain before you would finally agree."

She chuckled. "It is. Narfi and Vali are ready."

She was afraid of how everyone would react to the twins—especially Vali, who inherited her looks—but this was Loki's home and she would make sure the twins would have a good life.

And Loki would make a wonderful king. Even after everything Asgard did to him, he still loved them and wanted the best for them.

Cassie clasped her hand in Loki's. "To Asgard."

"To home," he agreed.

She wasn't sure how she ended up with someone like Loki, who helped pull her out of those years of depression, but she would forever thank whatever forces that brought them together for him and their children.

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