Part 7

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The next day Cassie found Loki reading a book in the living room. She made sure no one was around and walked over to Loki, sitting next to him. He didn't even spare her a glance, so she sighed, and started the conversation, "I wanted to thank you for keeping my secret yesterday."

Loki smirked, finally looking up from his book, "I didn't do it for you, I kept your little secret as leverage." He closed his book and gave her a cold glare, "Learn this sooner rather than later, mortal, everything I do is for my own gain. I'm not here to make friends," he spat, making her ears fall flat. She gave him a small nod before leaving to her room. She didn't have the energy to argue. Normally she might have a good comeback to say back, but she just didn't feel like it anymore.

Cassie was told everything he did, trying to take over New York, but she thought he was just misunderstood. Seems she was naive. It seems he really was evil. Well she wouldn't make that same mistake again.

A few days later

Loki seemed to be avoiding her, and anytime she saw him, he gave her a cold look. She didn't know what she could have done wrong though. She had resigned herself to the fact that he was just a dick. If he wanted her friendship, which is seemed not, he would have to make the first move and at least apologize.

"Hey Cassie. We're doing some training," Natasha told her as she walked by. "Be in the training room in 10 minutes."

Cassie gave her a quick nod and went to the training room to wait. She didn't need to get ready by changing and what-not so she was quick. Natasha walked in 10 minutes later onto the mat, Cassie following suit.

They started sparring when Natasha said, "So when were you going to tell us?" Catching her off guard so the spy could pin her. Cassie searched her brain. Was she talking about her powers? Loki must have given her away!

Natasha got off her, letting her stand up, "You hid that you could talk in animal form."

Cassie's eyes widened. Oh shit, she thought. It was better than knowing her powers, but it was a secret none the less that could get her kicked out.

"How'd you find out?" Cassie frowned, but Natasha just smirked.  "You were supposed to be on a mission. Who else knows?"

"We came back early, and just me."

"Will you tell them?"

"Why do you want to keep it a secret so badly?" Nat questioned her.

"If I can't talk how can I be interrogated?" Cassie shot back.

"Fair enough," Natasha chuckled, "I'll keep your secret for now."

Cassie let out a relieved sigh, "Thank you."

"Ms. Romanoff and Ms. Cassie, Mr.Stark requests your presence in the living area immediately," Friday interrupted.

Natasha and Cassie sighed, heading upstairs. She froze as she noticed Fury arguing with Tony. Loki, Tony, Nat, and Steve were all also in the room.

Fury noticed her walk in and sighed, "So really no progress at all. I would hope a little more from the heroic Avengers." He said it in a very obvious sarcastic voice.

Tony scoffed, "She's only been here a little over a week."

"I need her changed back by the end of next week," Fury demanded, and him and Tony started arguing once more.

Natasha pulled her aside, out of earshot, "Can you just change back? I can't promise for you to have no interrogation, but I can make sure it's quick and easy."

Cassie frowned, "No."

"Why not?" She argued.

"Because I don't want to."

"Cassie just tell me why!"

"Because staying like this is the only way I can stay!" Cassie whisper-yelled. "It may only be for another week, but I like you guys," she admitted.


"Change of plans. The counsel has run out of patience. We leave now. Sorry Cassie, but they want you locked up now. This was your last hope." Cassie nodded sadly and padded over to him, standing by his feet with her head down.

"What? You can't just take her!" Natasha protested.

"Just did," Fury motioned for two SHEILD agents to put back the heavy collar, which they did, and dragged her outside by the chains. Cassie gave one last pleading look at the Avengers before she was shoved into the truck and it's door was slammed shut.


I watched her be dragged away, and for a moment I felt bad, sad, guilty even, but I pushed it down to a place where all my feelings went, never to be seen.

"We have to get her back. Reindeer Games, get your lazy ass over here and help us brainstorm," Stark glared at me.

I scoffed, "Why should I help? She was a nuisance. A pest. I'm glad she's gone," Deep down I knew that was the furthest from the truth it could get, I would miss the little wolf, but I kept up my cold façade.

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