Part 10

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Cassie woke up when she heard the alarms went off. She picked her head up warily. Was this a test? She stood up to go closer to the bars of the cell and see out, but the chain attached to the metal collar around her neck held her back. She grunted, trying to pull it farther, forgetting the consequence and being immediately electrocuted. She had forgotten in all the excitement what the men had recently done.

Cassie fell to the ground with a grunt, trying to stop the electricity but it was no use. She let out a pathetic bark before she slipped into unconsciousness.


The jet touched down and Stark started to talk, "Ok here's the plan. Nat and Steve take down the guards out front, Clint keep watch from there with Loki, and we go into the building and split up to search."

I gave Stark a glare, "I'm going in to find her."

"What? N-" Romanoff interrupted him, "For gods sake Tony, let him go."

Stark sighed but agreed to let me go. As if I would listen if he didn't agree anyway, "Alright let's go people."

Romanoff and Rodgers quickly knocked the few guards on watch out, and we all went inside, minus Romanoff, Rodgers, and Barton who stayed to keep watch.

"Rudolf go that way, Thor come with me this way, and Wanda go that way," Stark instructed us and I didn't wait to listen to whatever else he had to say, summoning a dagger in each hand and went down a hallway.

I scanned each of the cells as I passed. They were all empty, making me wonder why there were so many cells if there weren't people for them, but that was a question for another time.

I killed any of the guards who passed by, not even giving them a second glance. I was so mad I did whatever thing came to my mind first. Whether it be freezing them to death, stabbing them, or using various spells to make them die slowly and painfully, no one in my path survived.

I made it to the end of the hallway and peered into the last cell. My eyes widened as I saw a familiar white bundle of fur crouched on the ground. I panicked when at first glance I thought she was dead, but let out a relieved breath when I saw the slow, shaky rising of her flank. I exploded the lock and opened the cell, running over to her.

"Oh Cassie..." I said softly as I noticed the collar around her neck and the chain that was attached to the floor. I could see the electricity coursing through the metal and guessed that was why she wasn't awake at the moment.

I took the collar in my hand and crushed it, smashing it to pieces, and carefully picked Cassie up. She was so fragile now.

I only now realized that Stark hadn't given me a com. But that didn't matter, I could get her out on my own anyway. I wanted to teleport us out, but I wasn't sure if she could handle it and didn't want to worsen her condition.

I carried her in my arms out of the cell and slowly came back down the hall I came from to the exit. I cloaked us to make us invisible. Normally I would want to kill anyone in my path, but I couldn't risk putting her down or holding her with one hand, so I snuck us out and the first face I met was Romanoff who gasped at the white bundle of fur in my arms. She pressed the com in her ear and told everyone, "Cassie is safe. Everyone fall back."

I nodded to her and took Cassie up the jet and carefully placed her on the stretcher on it, and Bruce immediately rushed over to check on her.

"Will she be alright?" I asked worriedly.

If Bruce was surprised at my show of emotion he didn't show it, "I don't know yet. I have to check her back home. But she's breathing, which is a good sign."

I nodded at him, and sat down on the floor next to Cassie, and carefully stroked her fur. Please be ok.


Cassie opened her eyes to see the blinding light around the room and groaned, immediately closing them.

She heard a lot of shuffling and could sense many bodies by her, so she peaked open one eye. Tony, Nat, Bruce, and Loki were staring at her, and as she looked around, they all sighed in relief.

"Thank god Cassie. You're alright," Tony slumped back in his chair when he realized she wasn't in immediate danger.

Cassie nodded, sat up, wincing as she did. She took a glance at Loki and wondered, Did you tell them?

Loki gave a guilty nod and Cassie sighed. If they knew she could talk, she might as well be polite, "Thank you."

Bruce gasped, "So Loki was telling the truth then."

Cassie looked down, "Yeah I can talk. Can I go to my room now?"

Loki opened his mouth, to probably say no, but Natasha interrupted him, "Sure. Want me to come with you?"

Cassie shook her head and so Natasha nodded. With some wincing, she made it off the bed, and with a lot of worried looks, she made it to her room and slumped onto the bed.

"Jarvis..." she asked carefully, not even sure he would listen to her, "What's today's date?"

"It is September 5th Miss," he responded helpfully.

Cassie groaned, "Ah shit. Uh, can you inform the Avengers I will be staying in my room for the next couple of days?"

Jarvis beeped in reply, then a few moments later said, "They would like to know why."

"Well I-" Cassie paused, hesitating, before deciding to lie. That would keep, at least, the boys off her trail. "Just tell them it's girl stuff."

She didn't doubt the boys were blushing at this moment, wishing she could see it.

Cassie sighed, the next couple of days were going to be fun.

Super fun.

She was pathetic at lying to herself.

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