Chapter 1 Beach

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Third person's pov

Meera was feeling very happy after graduating with flying colours from business school. To celebrate her achievement, her parents decided to go to Goa for a family trip as their only child deserved it after her hard work. They loved their 22 year old daughter dearly to spend some amount of money from their savings. Her father, Rahul Goenka, is an engineer in a private company in kolkata and mother Sunita is a house wife. They were middle class family so it was quite expensive for them, but her father was elated so without caring about money booked a five star hotel room for them near beach as he knows how much his daughter enjoys and loves beach. She always wanted to go there and finally it was happening. When they reached Goa, everywhere they heard  only one thing "richest, youngest and powerful billionaire is visiting for his business to extend", they would be lucky if they even saw his glimpse. Her parents were intrigued about the so called billionaire but she couldn't care less, she was here to enjoy the trip with her parents not to gossip about him.

After they settled in their rooms, she immediately visited the beach to got to know that it was reserved for the billionaire only and no one else can go as he likes to have things only to himself. Disappointed and angry she went away but not before arguing with the manager saying it's unfair to which he replied money can buy anything and he or anyone can't go against him as the billionaire is very powerful and can make anyone disappear just with a snap of his fingers. She huffed feeling so much frustrated and angry that she cursed that billionaire in her mind relentlessly. She was sad but her parents consoled saying that still they can enjoy the rest of the Goa which they did. Whole time during their stay, everybody only talked or paid attention to the handsome, godly looking billionaire. Hotel management treated other guest and visitors poorly although 'their billionaire' was staying in nearby seven star hotel which he rented whole for himself which was quite too much and extravagant according to Meera. Sure he was wealthy but renting whole hotel was out of ordinary. She was getting irritated, her whole trip got ruined because of that billionaire. Being treated poorly, no beach visitation, people worshipping him, waiting to see him once standing outside his hotel, it felt like he was some God which angered her. He is just a human for heaven's sake! Everyone talked only about him, his wealth, power, looks and nothing else which irked her more. She prayed to God to never meet him or see his face otherwise he will witness her pure anger and she herself never wanted to see such a selfish person.

On her last day in Goa at night, she was roaming around the pool when she noticed that guards were not patrolling the beach at the moment which was strange but it opened an opportunity at hands to use. On her way towards the beach she saw children looking at the shore longingly. So without any delay she ran to the beach successfully without anyone stopping which made her happy and she motioned the children to come who followed her hesitantly at first but happily next with their parents. She felt instant serotonin burst when her feet touched the cold water, ocean breeze swaying her hairs in all direction and happy squeals of children whom she joined inside water playing, running and splashing unaware of the intense dark green eyes which watched her every move since the moment she stepped foot on the beach which was reserved only for him. He was looking at her keenly, sitting on the lounge in front of the hotel he was staying at. He removed the guards for his privacy not for some girl to invade it. But when the guards tried to stop her he ordered them not to shocking them and himself. He was never one to share but something about that girl caught his eyes. First being her boldness as she might have known it was restricted to enter beach but she still did it. Second her presence of mind to notice the empty beach and taking advantage of it. And lastly her beauty which for him was otherworldly. In the moon light, her beautiful tanned skin glowed along with her beautiful black mid back length hairs. He couldn't tell the colour of her eyes from where he is looking but one thing he can definitely say that she was gorgeous. She was not perfect in body proportion like models and was a little curvy which the sundress she was wearing couldn't hide. She was short around five feet and something suddenly at which a thought crossed his mind that she is very short compared to his six feet three inches height. He felt surprised. Why did he compare some ordinary girl to himself? It was strange and bizarre. He continued observing her playing with the children. He finds himself smiling unconsciously looking at her giggling which is melodious to his ears. Getting intrigued with a simple girl was new to him as nothing attracted him. He was confused, felt conflicted as to why he didn't stop her and was looking at her like a fool and a hormonal teenager. He stood up from his chair having enough of looking from afar. He wanted to see the girl who grabbed his whole attention closely so he went towards her. When he was near, he saw her looking at him with her midnight black eyes with moonlight directly reflecting on it. His breath hitched unknowingly, and he felt himself freeze when she smiled beautifully at him and gestured to join her. His heart started beating fast when she came close to him as he never moved from his place. Her intoxicating lavender smell lulled him to her making his system hazy. He followed almost dazed when she held his hand and pulled him along with her to the group unaware of his true identity as she was long forgotten in her happiness about the danger and felt everyone was here to enjoy the beach and the man in front of her was hesitating to join them so she took the lead to make him comfortable.

He looked at her intensely whole while standing without doing anything. She played and splashed water along with the children around him. He followed her every move like a hawk. He felt something strong for her in his heart, something to possess and keep her all to himself. His eyes darkens whenever someone touched her or made her smile despite of himself. He felt deep possessiveness for her like never before, he wanted her he concluded.

He smirked looking at her thinking he will have her no matter what
She was his now. He gets what he wants and now he wants her to be his only. He turned away from her and went to his lounge calling his PA to get information about the girl with big black doe eyes who caught his eyes. He turned to look at her one last time for the night, an evil smile formed on his lips when he thought that she will belong to him soon, his doe.


So here it is, they met for the first time*gushes*

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