Chapter 6 Game of two

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Third person's pov

If anybody told her that snakes can fly, she would have believed it rather than taking in the words leaving the mouth of the man who turned her life upside down in just one day of their meeting. He stood up straight, fixed his suit then turned around and was about to walk off when her voice stopped him,

"Why are you telling me all this knowing it will definitely make me hate you? "

She couldn't keep her curiosity at bay. She really gave it a thought and wondered what will he gain by telling her his plans, evil intentions, how he trapped her, made her almost loose her house, all the government officials, her continuous job rejections and then suddenly a golden job served to her in a silver platter which she should have known was fake to begin with . But her desperation took the best of her, back to the point it seriously doesn't make sense. He expected this question from her. Turning back to her, he told her, eyes showing nothing but honesty which seemed foreign in his features turning soon into his famous deviousness,

"Well doe, I never expect us to love each other. I just want to own you nothing else"

"I am not a thing to own! "

She spat angrily to which he said in a low threatening voice and eyes darkened,

"You never learn, little doe. Disobey me again and see what I do to you. Never raise your voice at me"

She swallowed down the fear spreading in her body from the glower in his eyes and words. She spoke up after calming her nerves,

"That still doesn't answer me"

"It's simple, even after knowing everything you can't do anything to stop me. I get what I want. I just like to share my intentions and moves in the game to my target, prey. This makes it lively and a lot more engaging"

She shook her head in disbelief. He was cruel, cunning and evil. What bad luck she had to ever cross paths with him. He is a devil who turns life into hell. She stood up from her place and went before him gathering all the courage. She confidently says looking directly in his eyes,

"Two can play this game. Here are my intentions, I will not marry you and will leave this place as my own person not someone else's"

John, who was standing all quite gasped audibly in shock. Nobody has dared to challenge and stand up to his boss except those with a death wish. He knew his boss is not someone to mess with. Anyone who even faces him trembles in fear to the point of pissing their pants knowing how dangerous, powerful, clever he is. There's not a person left to tell the story about their lost case by the hands of his boss who was living incarnate of the devil for them who crossed him. He couldn't imagine the times his boss showed hell in his seven years of working for him. Even his parents and family can't handle his wrath. He is uncontrollable when provoked. It's official this girl has sealed her fate by the devil himself now.

He gave her a blank look which confused her. She frowned at him, but then slowly his lips curled up in a smile that literally chilled her bones. He said in a calm voice which totally felt like the calm before the wildest storm in history,

"Pleasure to have you join, doe. Just make sure to not loose everything you have cause there is no mercy in my world, my game"

Her legs almost gave up from how over the place her emotions were. She felt like she made a deal with a devil sealing her fate to inevitable loss. She shook her head to rid such frightening thoughts. He moved forward to take her hand in his when she took a step back saying,

'Uhh, uhh, uhh, no Mr. Mancini
You don't get to touch me when we just started our game. You can't touch me, force me to do anything without my will remember"

she finished making it seemed like he has agreed to her conditions. He smirked at her retracting his hand back liking her little attempt while saying,

"Interesting. Strange, I couldn't remember when I agreed to your conditions"

"It doesn't matter if you did or not, you must follow it"

She says trying to sound confident hiding her real emotions. She needs to win over him anyhow, she herself and her life are at stake.

"Follow my conditions then as well"

He tells her tricking her in her own feeble move. Poor doe, he thought. She without thinking much of it says,

"Which are? ",

"Whenever you loose, I get to claim one part of you of my choice"

She froze, that literally stopped her breathing, her heart beating abnormally. How did she land herself in such situation was beyond her. He turned this situation in his favour cleverly. Feeling utterly agitated, her stomach fluttered anxiously. She was cornered badly, either by refusing or accepting, she is loosing. She sighed in defeat nodding her head. He smiled devilishly and stated,

"Go to your room with Mary, my head maid. She will also show you around, after that come down for dinner"

It was clearly an order to follow without objections or choice. She obliged silently, it was a long day too much has happened. She was hungry but didn't want to eat. f not for the energy it provided which she needed she clearly would have declined to not only for her but to irritate him as well.

After Meera left, he turned to John who gulped invisibly by his hollow, aloof and impassive gaze on him. He told him blandly,

"I expect you to complete the assigned  work before the morning"

"Yes sir"

John replied to his retreating back who went away without waiting for his reply. He sighed in relief, his boss is terrifying. He too moved to do the given work, shivering from even imagining the outcome if he failed. He shook his head and proceeded to get it over with quickly.


Let the game begin*smirks evilly*

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